Family Planning Promotion Materials, Nigeria

This is a set of leaflets, posters, and job aids about various topics in FP.

Materials are:

  • Birth Spacing – describes the various contraceptive options and how they work
  • I Am Supportive – addresses the role of men in family planning and provides information on contraceptive options available for use after delivery
  • Family Planning/ Childbirth Spacing Z-Card – A long and foldable family planning leaflet that can be use during community mobilisation to provide information about various family planning methods and how they work
  • Stay Beautiful / My Conscience Guide – A Social and Behavioural Change leaflet that addresses provider bias by highlighting the role of family planning providers in ensuring right based and client centred service provision
  • Lactational Amenorrhea Poster and Leaflet – describe family planning methods for breastfeeding women
  • Post Pregnancy Frequently Asked Questions Leaflet – A compilation of answers to frequently asked questions on family planning and various contraceptives. It also highlights life planning for adolescents and youths and the post pregnancy period.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

Go Girls! How to Use the Visual Brief

This guide helps teachers and service providers how to explain the content of the Go Girls! Visual Brief.

It includes the following topics, among others:

  • Spread of HIV
  • Protection from HIV
  • Knowledge and Attitudes
  • Relationships with family
  • Relationships with friends

The instruction guide is available in:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 10, 2020

Go Girls! Visual Brief

This visual brief is used like a flipchart to teach young adults about HIV.

It includes the following topics, among others:

  • Spread of HIV
  • Protection from HIV
  • Knowledge and Attitudes
  • Relationships with family
  • Relationships with friends

There is also a facilitator’s guide to teach health workers and teachers how to use this visual brief.

The visual brief is available in:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 10, 2020

Frontline Workers Job Aid #1

This job aid is developed for frontline workers (Health Education Workers as well as Animal Health Workers) who are working at the community level to help community members engage with community representatives. Community representatives include, for example, elder men and women, religious leaders, teachers, traditional healers, agricultural development agents, and other relevant bodies. The job aid aims to help facilitate dialogue on how to prevent and control priority zoonotic diseases (anthrax, brucellosis, and rabies) in the community.

The job aid also provides guidance on the objective of community conversation, how to establish the dialogue group, the timing of the conversations, and where to help frontline workers initiate discussion on priority zoonotic diseases.with different sectors, community members, and influencers.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 16, 2020

Frontline Workers Job Aid #2

This is a job developed for use by frontline workers (Health Education Workers as well as Animal Health Workers) who are working at the community level.

It is intended to facilitate discussion on the prevention of zoonotic diseases with households (men and women) and relatives (elders, neighbors, mothers-in-law, etc.) during house-visits.

The job aid is developed in a flipchart format, where the front side of pages contain illustration to be viewed by attendees to reflect on, and the back of the pages contain key probe questions and key messages that help the discussion facilitator (frontline worker).

This material is adapted from the Sierra Leone GHSA project and contextualized into the Ethiopian situation. It is available in Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Tigrigna languages.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 16, 2020

Insika Ya Kusasa (Pillars of Tomorrow) Job Aids, Eswatini

Pact, in partnership with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, is supporting the government in accelerating Eswatini’s progress toward the 95-95-95 targets and sustainable HIV epidemic control by preventing new infections and reducing the vulnerability of two key groups, orphans and vulnerable children and adolescent girls and young women.

During the five-year project, called Insika Ya Kusasa (Pillars of Tomorrow), the Pact consortium, which includes civil society organizations in Swaziland, is building socio-economic resilience to the impact of HIV among key groups and increasing uptake of high-impact services for HIV, sexual and reproductive health, family planning and gender-based violence.

These job aids were developed for use in Insika Ya Kusasa’s mentorship groups for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW):

  • Alcohol Use and Abuse in My Community – This interactive job aid helps AGYW recognise the dangers of alcohol, impaired decision-making and vulnerability to violence, as well as identify strategies to stay safe in unsafe spaces
  • A Partner Who Cares – This interactive job aid explores the qualities and actions of a caring partner and identifies protective actions that can lower risk.
  • My Children and Me – This interactive job aid covers the basics of fertility, how to plan for having children, understanding the methods, advantages, and disadvantages of contraceptive types, and how to protect children through preventing mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services.
  • Protecting the Men in My Life – This interactive job aims to empower AGYW to influence and support the men in their lives to access key health services that will benefit them both (e.g., VMMC, STI screening and treatment).
  • PREP and PEP – This interactive job aid discusses PrEP as a new HIV prevention option for AGYW who are particularly vulnerable to HIV and aims to help participants understand how PrEP and PEP work to prevent HIV, as well as the differences between the two services.
  • Living Positively with HIV – This interactive job aid focuses on life after HIV diagnosis and what living positively entails. It explores where AGYW can access ART and how they can stay on treatment. It also focusses on stigma and discrimination of HIV positive individuals and how AGYW can be positive-living activists.
  • Why I Matter Most – This interactive job aid aims to strengthen AGYW’s self-esteem and sense of value or worth and reassert personal dreams and goals.
  • Becoming Less Dependent – This interactive job aid aims to help AGYW stand on their own and not depend on a man for everything, and also learn how being independent can bring positive change to one’s life and relationships.
  • Getting the Love I Deserve – This interactive job aid covers the basics of healthy relationships, as well as introduces gender norms and minimizing the risk of gender-based violence.
  • How Can I Protect Myself with Condoms? – This interactive job aid reviews the common myths and misconceptions around condoms, describes the specifics of male and female condoms, and reviews how to talk to your partner about using a condom.
  • What Services are Available for Me? – This interactive job aid covers the HIV Basic Facts – transmission and prevention, AGYW risk factors, and overviews developing risk reduction/health plan/mentorship plan.
  • My Needs and Priorities – This interactive job aid covers the HIV Basic Facts – transmission and prevention, AGYW risk factors, and overviews developing risk reduction/health plan/mentorship plan.
  • Working with 9-14 year Olds, Part 1 – This interactive set of job aids was developed specifically to be used with 9-14 year olds. The sessions cover topics such as self-esteem and confidence, body changes during young adulthood, gender norms, recognizing and avoiding risky situations, staying safe, and communication needs and goals.
  • Working with 9-14 Year Olds, Part 2 – This interactive set of job aids was developed specifically to be used with 9-14 year olds. The sessions cover topics such building self-esteem and self-confidence, understanding friendships and romantic relationships, and understanding and creating boundaries in relationships.

Source: Pact, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Date of Publication: August 18, 2020

TCI University Resource Collection

This Resource Collection covers The Challenge Initative (TCI)’s tools, job aids, brochures, magazines, posters, and many other types of materials.

The collection includes materials on:

  • Services and Supply
  • Demand Generation
  • Advocacy
  • Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

Smart Jeewan Campaign

These materials are part of a family planning campaign – Parivar Niyojan Smart Banchha Jeewan (Family Planning makes a smart life), launched in Nepal on 21st August 2015 in an effort to reposition family planning for the young married couples (aged 15-29).

There are four television commercials in Wave-I showing the life stages of a couple where planning for family is needed. There are five television commercials in the Wave-II. One is intended to educate the viewers that there are family planning methods available and safe to use by post-partum mothers during breastfeeding. Second, about use of IUCD for spacing. Third about using IUCD. Fourth about the safety of using family planning methods like pills to delay first pregnancy. Fifth about the appropriate use of Emergency contraceptive pills.

There are five posters designed during Wave-1 to complement the four TVCs, one comprehensive poster with all life stages for family planning, and one to depict the uniting message of youths taking the ownership of family planning to be Smart Couples.

A “Badhai” or congratulations booklet was also developed in the Wave-II to be used by community health workers and health worker when doing interpersonal communication/interactions with newly married couples and 1000- day couples (pregnancy 9 months and baby 2 years roughly equals to 1000 days). This booklet has important information useful for couples at the various stages of married and family life.

There are seven leaflets developed to use as job aid by community health workers and information material to take home by the newly-wed couples and 1000-days couples regarding the five temporary family planning methods (IUCD, Implant, 3-month injectable, combined oral contraceptive pills, condoms), emergency contracentive pills, two permanent family planning methods (vasectomy, minilap), and one leaflet with information on all these methods.

Photo credit: © 2013 Valerie Caldas, Courtesy of Photoshare

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: August 5, 2020

How to Use Digital Media for Message Dissemination

This material was developed as a how-to guide for health personnel on to use digital media for message dissemination to reach their intended audience. It is part of a capacity development program for service providers in improving their skills in social and behavior change.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Adolescent Age and Life-Stage Assessment Tools and Counseling Cards

The Adolescent Age and Life-Stage Assessment and Counseling tools aim to support health provider efforts to seize teachable moments while talking with adolescents on a one-on-one basis at the health facility.

These tools and cards help providers target their counseling based on an adolescent’s age and life-stage in order to provide them with sound, practical and actionable advice.

Source: MCS

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020