NURHI 2 Social Mobilization Tools

Social mobilization has been used over the years at different times to increase awareness of social issues and promote change at the community level. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of social mobilization in improving health-seeking behaviors.

In family planning, social mobilization is used to generate demand for products and services through community-based activities, such as neighborhood campaigns, community dialogues and key life events. In NURHI 2, programming for young persons is intentional, with discussions around life planning and reproductive health.These activities promote family planning discussions at the community level and direct potential clients to health facilities for more information on family planning and uptake of modern family planning methods.

All mobilization activities focus on making family planning information available and bringing the services closer to the community members, even in hard-to-reach areas.

The following tools are available on the page:

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

Transmedia: Scripting, Production, and Effect on Ideation

Transmedia is commonly defined as a narrative or project that combines multiple media forms. A transmedia project may combine many different types of prints or prose text, graphics and animation, or work across multiple platforms, such as different types of social media platforms, interactive websites or advertising outlets.

This booklet was developed for knowledge-sharing and information on how NURHI-2 carried out its mass media campaign using the transmedia approach. It highlights NURHI 2’s learning experiences and challenges on how the transmedia approach was implemented along with key areas for improvement.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

SBC Palika Package – SBC Capacity Strengthening Support Material for Local Level (English)

SBC Palika Package is a capcity strengthening support material for developing, advocating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Social Behavior Change (SBC) capacity for local-level health personnel and elected bodies.

This package includes:
1. Introduction to SBC for health
2. Reason to include SBC in annual planning and the process of inclusion
3. Skills to strengthen the capacity to include SBC for health activities in local-level annual plan and to implement them

Benefits of using this support material are listed as follows:
1. All SBC programs will be formulated based on evidence
2. The rural and urban municipality Social Development sections will be clear about their roles and responsibilities during the annual planning process
3. It will help in preparing SBC activities for health with adequate budget for different health related programs that has been developed in participatory method in consultation with all stakeholders
4. The capacity will be developed in the local level to formulate, execute, monitor and evaluate all SBC activities for health

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 23, 2020

How to Use Digital Media for Message Dissemination

This material was developed as a how-to guide for health personnel on to use digital media for message dissemination to reach their intended audience. It is part of a capacity development program for service providers in improving their skills in social and behavior change.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Our First Baby: Health Education for Adolescents Who are Pregnant or First-Time Parents

The Our First Baby Facilitator’s Guide contains nine participatory sessions to be used in small group sessions with first-time mothers and their male partners. Sessions cover fertility, antenatal care, care of the mother during pregnancy, first-time fatherhood, birth planning/delivery, newborn and postpartum care, exclusive breastfeeding, healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy, family planning, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and gender-based violence.

The Facilitator’s Guide is accompanied by a Flipbook. Each page of the Flipbook has pictures on one side and an explanation to be used by the facilitator on the other side.

Source: Save the Children

Date of Publication: May 14, 2020




Erkab Radio Program and Discussion Guides

This weekly radio program encourages listeners to adopt healthy behaviors related to different health areas including RMNCH, PMTCT, malaria, nutrition, and WaSH. The program combines drama using the lifecycle approach and real-life stories to integrate the different health areas. For greater impact, the radio program listener groups can be established and facilitate dialogue and reflection among members around issues raised in each episode of the program.

The listeners’ group discussion guide for facilitators provides a clear step-by-step guidance on how to establish listener groups and how to facilitate meaningful discussions using each episode of the radio program. The guides are prepared in Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Tigrigna, Wolaitigna, Sidamigna languages.

The radio program episodes can be made available upon request.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Facilitator’s Guide for SBC Training

This is the guide to be used by facilitators during Social Behavior Change for SBC training of health personnel.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Facilitator’s Guide for Training on Interpersonal Communication Skills

This guide(available in English and Spanish) is for facilitators who will lead trainings in “Interpersonal Communication Skills for the Promotion of Key Behaviors for Zika Prevention”.

The guide provides step-by-step instructions on implementing the training for their field teams. Each session includes the learning objectives, methodology, and activities along with educational materials, practical exercises, and readings for the participants. The guide includes the key messages from the Zika Prevention Behavior Matrix and the tool Key Tips for the Prevention of Zika: A Guide for Home Visits.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Hand Hygiene – How, Why and When?

This document introduces hand hygiene for infection control (patient safety). It outlines when, why, and how to do hand hygiene.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020