SBC Palika Package – SBC Capacity Strengthening Support Material for Local Level

SBC Palika Package is a capcity strengthening support material for developing, advocating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Social Behavior Change (SBC) capacity for local-level health personnel and elected bodies.

This package includes:
1. Introduction to SBC for health
2. Reason to include SBC in annual planning and the process of inclusion
3. Skills to strengthen the capacity to include SBC for health activities in local-level annual plan and to implement them

Benefits of using this support material are listed as follows:
1. All SBC programs will be formulated based on evidence
2. The rural and urban municipality Social Development sections will be clear about their roles and responsibilities during the annual planning process
3. It will help in preparing SBC activities for health with adequate budget for different health related programs that has been developed in participatory method in consultation with all stakeholders
4. The capacity will be developed in the local level to formulate, execute, monitor and evaluate all SBC activities for health

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

SBC Training Reference Material

This is reference material to be used during Social Behavior Change for Health training for health personnel.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Set for Change – Change Agent Development Program Participant Handbook

This document provides a guide for the participants of the Change Agent Development Programme (CADP). It provides details of the curriculum content and learning objectives particpants can expect to achieve through their involvement.

The purpose of the Change Agent Development Programme is to strengthen individual capacity and fill existing skills and knowledge gaps of select national, regional and district-level staff of the Health Promotion Department to effectively coordinate and deliver SBCC and Health Promotion Campaigns.

This document provides a guide for facilitators of the Set for Change (SfC) action learning sets by:

  • Giving context through a brief introduction to the background, purpose and participants of the SfC
  • Setting out the role and responsibilities of the facilitator
  • Providing details of the overall approach of SfC
  • Describing the facilitation approach for the action learning set process that facilitators should adopt
  • Providing suggestions on how to prepare participants for their mentor role
  • Explaining how to use the personal development plan template with participants

Source: Communicate for Health Ghana

Date of Publication: February 26, 2020

Maternal and Child Health Videos – Discussion Guide

This is a discussion guide to facilitate group discussion when watching maternal and child health videos designed for viewing in health facilities. It provides step-by-step guidance to potential facilitators such as midwives to organize and facilitate meaningful discussions and reflections based on the issues raised in the videos.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 11, 2020

Erkab Radio Program Design Document

This is a guide for the Erkab radio program, part of the Ethiopia Communication for Health project, designed to be used by the producers of the program. This document was a result of a content development and drama design workshop.

The program addresses different health issues through a drama and reality components.

The primary audiences of the radio program are rural men and women who are either newly married, pregnant or have children under 5. The secondary audiences are traditional/religious

leaders, in-school youth, Health Extension Workers and the Women’s Development Army.

The objectives of the Radio Program were:

1. To improve knowledge, attitudes and practice of high impact health practices/behaviors among the identified priority audiences

2. To increase social support within households and communities for beneficial health practices

3. To support Women Development Armies (WDAs) and Health Extension Workers (HEWs) to effectively educate, motivate and counsel households and clients to practice healthy behaviors

4. To increase uptake and demand of selected services by the primary audiences

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Religious Leaders Engagement – Pocket Guide

This is a pocket guide for religious leaders, to serve as reference when they discuss health issues with their congregations. As they deliver guidance to their followers/congregations, this guide provides them with key messages mainly on maternal and child health, child feeding practices, sanitation and hygiene, and malaria.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Religious Leaders Engagement – Training Guide

This is a facilitation guide for HEWs, PHCU directors, and Woreda Health Officials to help engage religious leaders in community health promotion.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

School Health Promotion Kit

This kit is designed to help school health professionals, club leaders and teachers design, implement and monitor health promotion activities within schools through engaging the health system. It includes relevant health issues for school health promotion, tips for supporting school clubs and engaging parents, and potential health promotion activities for schools.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Social Mobilization Workshop Facilitators Package

This guide was designed as part of the Communication for Health Ethiopia project for community mobilizers, to help them engage key stakeholders at the woreda and community level in addressing relevant health issues.

Communication for Health has designed the Integrated Communication Platform (ICP) to support the different activities. The ICP, under the ሁሉ በጤና (“All in Health”) brand, encompasses media and advocacy related interventions as well as social mobilization activities. The social mobilization efforts are based on a global model called Communication for Social Change. Using this model, communities will go through a process to identify health problems through dialogue and develop action plans they will work on collectively towards resolving the problems.

Different community structures and administrations are part of this process, enhancing the existing social mobilization strategy, the Health Extension Program (HEP) of the Government of Ethiopia (GoE). The social mobilization effort will make use of the Woreda Transformation Plan (WTP) of the GoE as a main catalyst and aims to support the achievement of the WTP by engaging relevant stakeholders, and identifying the communication intervention points following the discussions that will identify priority areas and development of action plans.

The guide includes a set of exercises to initiate dialogue, nurture shared vision, assess current situation, identify health priorities, and develop joint action plans.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020