Group Facilitation Training Aid Video and User’s Guide

The Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP-I) was a six-year (2002-2007) bilateral activity of United States Agency for International Development, Nepal (USAID/N) with the Government of Nepal. Its overall goal was to support the Government’s long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-five mortality within the context of the National Health Policy and Second Long-Term Health Plan 1997-2017.

In response to the identified need for improved group facilitation skills of female community health volunteers (FCHVs) and other group facilitators, and upon request of National Health Training Center (NHTC), Department of Health Services (DHS), under the Ministry of Health and Nepal Family Health Program-I (NFHP-I/JHU/CCP team provided technical assistance to NHTC in designing and implementing an A/V training on group facilitation.

The purpose of the video was to enhance group facilitation skills of the FCHVs and other grass roots level facilitators in order to reduce gaps and enable them conduct most effective meetings at the community.

The specific objectives include:

  • To equip group facilitators with standard, appropriate and consistent skills on group facilitation based on existing best practices
  • To enable group facilitators to conduct community group meeting more interactive, participatory, interesting and regular.

The A/V training aid contains important elements of an effective group facilitation which starts with preparation for group meeting followed by role play to demonstrating the standard steps and appropriate skills of group facilitation. All the pieces are tied together with a simple and easily understandable narration and was accompanied by an interactive ‘Users Guide’ to be used by trainers while conducting training on group facilitation. The users guide contains tips for the trainers on how to use this training aid in a comprehensive session also with relevant question answers segment and cases for role play. The training aide can also be used as a standalone piece to demonstrate the steps and skills for facilitating a group discussion effectively.

This product has been integrated into the FCHV’s basic and refresher training particularly to complement and supplement the training session on Mother’s Group Meeting. It has also been used by other stakeholders who are primarily involved in conducting group activities on health such as World Education Inc., Support to Safe Motherhood Programme (SSMP) and its implementing partners.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 11, 2019

IPC Training Aid Video and User’s Manual

The Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP-I) was a six-year (2002-2007) bilateral activity of United States Agency for International Development, Nepal (USAID/N) with the Government of Nepal. Its overall goal was to support the Government’s long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-five mortality within the context of the National Health Policy and Second Long-Term Health Plan 1997-2017. .

This interpersonal communication audio visual training aid and user’s manual was created to complement and supplement the national Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) Training Curriculum. The objective of the A/V training aide was to reinforce the content of IPC training sessions by demonstrating standard and effective IPC skills. The specific objectives were:

  • To help FCHVs understand the importance of IPC skills and practicing the skills in their work
  • To demonstrate FCHVs with standard, appropriate and consistent skills in IPC

The User’s Manual was developed for the users of the IPC training video, primarily for the trainers who conduct the FCHV basic and refresher training.

The total length of the A/V training aide is 30 minutes and the characters used in the video are imaginary. In this video, FCHVs portraying three different geographical areas – Terai, Hills and Mountains.

The IPC training video can be found here.

The User’s Manual can be found here.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 11, 2019

Stand Proud, Get Circumcised

This was an initiative to provide safe male circumcision (SMC) as an essential health service. The initiative sought to increase the number of circumcised men by educating the population about safe male circumcision, increasing the number of health facilities that provide circumcision services and equipping health providers with the necessary skills to conduct the procedure.

The multi-channel the Safe Male Circumcision campaign was launched in late 2011 with the following objectives:

  • To create awareness and provide necessary information on safe male circumcision services
  • To help people make informed decisions about safe male circumcision and HIV prevention
  • To increase demand and promote uptake of SMC in Uganda

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 15, 2019

Guide d’utilisation du kit PBCC

Ce KIT est conçu à l’attention des prestataires de santé (médecins, sages-femmes, infirmiers, assistants sociaux) exerçant dans les services de planification familiale.

C’est le fruit d’une activité intitulée “Analyse des obstacles et barrières à l’o­re de services de planification familiale par les prestataires, suivie d’une étude de la déviance positive.” Il va aider son utilisateur (formateur en technologie contraceptive) à traiter des questions d’accueil et de genre qui permettent aux prestataires d’améliorer leur comportement vis-à-vis des bénéficiaires.

Ce kit comprend deux outils et un guide d’utilisation :

This is a user’s guide for a kit designed to train and sensitize health providers (doctors, midwives, nurses, social workers) in dealing with their clients when practicing in family planning services.

This kit includes two tools as well as this user’s guide:

  • Two mini-video films of 3 minutes each: These films allow to discuss the various situations of reception, communication and service ore between the providers between the service providers and the customers. This coret is composed of two (2) mini-films whose titles are: Methods of contraception and Hope found

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: May 29, 2019

Pocket Booklet: Champions, Change Agents, and Positive Male Role Models

This booklet serves as a one-stop resource for all key facts and messages on all the topics covered in the Facilitator’s Guide for Community Dialogue.

HIV Champions, Change Agents, and Positive MRMs are not expected to memorize all information related to HIV prevention, testing, or treatment. Instead, they are encouraged to take this booklet with them when they do their community meetings and provide advocacy as a reference to pass standard but high-level messages. Some illustrations and pictures are included for simplicity. All cultural communications cadres are encouraged to use this Pocket Booklet during meetings, advocacy activities, and any HIV-related conversations in the community.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: April 18, 2019

Community Communication MNCH e-Manual: Participatory Health Promotion Sessions

This manual was developed for master trainers to train trainers who in turn train field implementers—health workers, health assistants, CBO health promoters and non-literate as well as literate community volunteers—to lead facility and community-based health promotion sessions.

The Community Communication Job Aids serve as supports for literate field implementers. Detailed instructions for participatory activities using innovative Community Communication tools are organized into health promotion sessions within chapters covering core health topics—maternal, newborn, child and family care. Users can choose to adopt specific activities or sessions for integration into existing health promotion interventions or adopt the entire Community Communication intervention.

The Community Communication tools are rote learning tools designed for groups of people to practice together so that they own key health decision-making information. They include innovative SAY & DO activities, narrated mimes, food for thought demonstrations, standard health demonstrations and health songs with repetitive messages like “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”.

The e-manual is envisioned as an evolving “open source” document available to all in its present version as well as in future versions with new health topics and up-dated health information. The e-Manual activities were gathered during many field experiences over the years and refined and incorporated into the current version.

An MS Word version of this resource can be acquired from

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English

Adolescents’ HIV Prevention and Treatment Literacy Toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa

This is a set of materials for working with adolescents.

The purposes of the toolkit are:

  • Create open advocacy spaces for adolescent HIV prevention and treatment issues
  • Strengthen the capacity of the key custodians of adolescent education systems and structures at community level (teachers and school staff, counsellors, service providers) to further engage adolescents and their circles of care
  • Scale-up availability of and access to information on adolescent HIV prevention and treatment at the local level

The tookit consists of:

  • Facilitator’s guide
  • Reference materials
  • Workbook for ages 10-12
  • Workbook for ages 13-15
  • Workbook for ages 16-19
  • Quiz cards
  • Personal responsiblity list
  • Teacher’s guide

Source: SafAIDS

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Bamboo Shoots. A Training Manual on Child-Centred Community Development /Child-led Community Actions for Facilitators Working with Children and Youth Groups

This manual is intended to open opportunities for children to learn about their own rights and discover their potential. It is expected that once the children acquire this knowledge, it will help them gain dignity. The manual contains a body of knowledge on rights-based programming and tools and techniques that are deeply rooted in international human rights and child rights principles.

The emphasis of the training is on practical actions that children will come up with following identification of the child rights violations – it therefore creates a platform for them to recognize and address issues affecting them directly. Children are the main actors in their own development, not just on the receiving end of development. Children can critically analyze their situation, including the factors that facilitate or hinder their development. Child-led actions can stimulate duty bearers in their responsibility to protect, fulfill and respect the rights of children.

Source: PLAN International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

BCC Manual for Trainers

This material is from the Healthy Women of Ukraine (HWUP) program. The goal of HWUP, which runs from 2011-2016, is to protect the reproductive health of Ukrainian women and couples by increasing the appropriate and effective use of modern methods of contraception as an alternative to unintended pregnancy and associated abortion. HWUP was a follow-on project to an earlier program, Together for Health, which ran from from 2006-2011.

This manual is intended for trainers who will conduct educational sessions for the general population on FP/RH issues.

Source: Healthy Women of Ukraine Program (HWUP)

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019