TCI University Toolkits

The TCI-University toolkits contains practical how-to guidance and tools on implementing proven interventions along with access to an online community of practice, which supports knowledge exchange and sharing among country and regional practitioners.

The toolkits are:

  • TCI Global
  • HUB Toolkits
  • TCI Tools Collection

Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

Transmedia: Scripting, Production, and Effect on Ideation

Transmedia is commonly defined as a narrative or project that combines multiple media forms. A transmedia project may combine many different types of prints or prose text, graphics and animation, or work across multiple platforms, such as different types of social media platforms, interactive websites or advertising outlets.

This booklet was developed for knowledge-sharing and information on how NURHI-2 carried out its mass media campaign using the transmedia approach. It highlights NURHI 2’s learning experiences and challenges on how the transmedia approach was implemented along with key areas for improvement.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

NURHI 2 Social Mobilization Tools

Social mobilization has been used over the years at different times to increase awareness of social issues and promote change at the community level. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of social mobilization in improving health-seeking behaviors.

In family planning, social mobilization is used to generate demand for products and services through community-based activities, such as neighborhood campaigns, community dialogues and key life events. In NURHI 2, programming for young persons is intentional, with discussions around life planning and reproductive health.These activities promote family planning discussions at the community level and direct potential clients to health facilities for more information on family planning and uptake of modern family planning methods.

All mobilization activities focus on making family planning information available and bringing the services closer to the community members, even in hard-to-reach areas.

The following tools are available on the page:

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

A How-to-Guide in Conducting Effective and Vibrant Social Mobilization Activity

The Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI 2) project is designed to increase contraceptive use in Kaduna, Lagos and Oyo states. It is an extension of the successful NURHI Phase 1 Project (2009 – 2014) and runs from 2015 – 2020.

This second phase of NURHI builds on successful strategies implemented over a six-year period in six Nigerian cities. Through a strategic combination of service delivery, communication and advocacy, the project aims to increase demand for and supply of family planning (FP) services, ultimately leading to longterm sustainability.

NURHI 2 uses communication to increase demand for family planning among men and women through an integrated communication strategy that employs a combination of social mobilization, media campaigns, and entertainment education.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Tool Kit

This toolkit, created by the California (US) Department of Health, provides detailed resource materials to assist in effectively managing and communicating during an emergency or crisis.

The Tool Kit is specifically designed to support writing and implementing a crisis communication plan. A crisis communication plan clearly defines your goals, objectives and actions. It provides specific guidelines and instructions for communicating during emergencies

The Tool Kit offers information and techniques to assist in:

  • Updating and revising your local health department’s crisis manual and related materials
  • Customizing resources for your local health department
  • Informing and protecting the public during an emergency
  • Communicating clearly with law enforcement officials, medical providers and other officials in an emergency
  • Engaging partners/stakeholders to best support communication responses
  • Effectively coordinating with the California Department of Public Health, the California Office of Emergency Preparedness and other state and federal agencies using the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) model
  • Working with diverse populations

Source: California Department of Health

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Global Handwashing Day Social Media Toolkit

Social media tools reach millions of individuals, private or not-for-profit organizations, and government officials around the world. The Global Handwashing Day social media campaign aims to create a global buzz about handwashing and to inspire increased investment in handwashing efforts globally. That said, you don’t have to be involved in the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector to celebrate Global Handwashing Day. Handwashing is important for everyone, everywhere, and we encourage you to tailor the ideas included in this toolkit to suit your organization’s audience and needs. This toolkit includes messages for spreading the word about Global Handwashing Day on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs.

Source: Global Handwashing Day

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Corona Crisis: Survival Kit for Men Under Pressure

During the coronavirus crisis, many men in lockdown are feeling isolated, stressed out and under pressure. This survival kit has been developed to help men who are feeling under pressure.

The kit includes many tips to help with stress.

Source: White Ribbon

Date of Publication: June 3, 2020

Moyo ndi Mpamba Campaign

This campaign is part of the Support for Service Delivery Integration (SSDI)-Communication project, implemented by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) and partners in Malawi from 2011-2016.

SSDI-Communication was a five-year social and behavior change communication (SBCC) project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). CCP’s partners were Save the Children International and several local organizations, including CRECCOM, YONECO, Story Workshop, Galaxy Media and the University of Malawi.

An important feature of this project was that it was one among three allied projects that collectively formed USAID’s Support for Service Delivery Integration program. The other two projects focused on service delivery (SSDI-Services), and policy and systems strengthening (SSDI-Systems). SSDI-Services was an important collaborator as SSDI-Communication behavior change strategies and SSDI-Services mobilization strategies were built on one another.

Project materials

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 26, 2020

Key Tips for the Prevention of Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya: A Guide for Home Visits

This tool(available in English and Spanish) is for community volunteers and health promoters to facilitate home visits in support of the promotion of key behaviors for Zika, dengue, and chikungunya prevention. Each card has two sides, one with images to use when talking with the family and the other with information and images to help the volunteer understand and discuss each behavior.

Organizations, institutions, and projects can adapt the tool to the needs of their organization and country, and Breakthrough ACTION has developed an accompanying guide (in Spanish) that recommends how to adapt the tool to specific needs.

There are also Zika-specific job aids (available in English and Spanish), along with Spanish versions specific to Guatemala and the Dominican Republic.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020