School Net Program – Cue cards

The Tanzania School Net Program involved distribution of treated nets to both children ages 6-14 years and heads of household as primary audiences, empowering these audiences to take action while clearly conveying the benefits of getting everyone covered – including neighbors – by drawing on popular “sharing” beliefs that exist in Tanzania. The school net program (SNP) also targeted primary school teachers, TCCP Community Change Agents, Ward Educational Coordinators, and other stakeholders, including local government authority (LGA) officials, heads of schools, ward and village officials.

The effort included community outreach, radio spots, district-wide events, and school activities.

Through the Patapata radio program, children were inspired to talk to their parents, friends, and communities about malaria prevention behaviors such as sleeping under a net every night, proper net use, net care and repair, and net sharing. Anecdotal feedback from Community Change Agents indicated that children enjoyed the program, and that parents reported increased interpersonal communication with their children about the importance of sleeping under the nets they were given at school.

The attached file includes a mathematics table backed by a card reminding the student about the nets, as well as a cue card informing the family about the use of bednets.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Advocacy Brochure

The advocacy brochure is part of HC3 Nepal project’s Smart Jeewan campaign. This piece is desinged and used for advocacy with the policy makers. The objective of this brochure is to encourage policy makers to budget for family planning in their respective sectors.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Booklets/Brochures

These materials are part of a family planning campaign – Parivar Niyojan Smart Banchha Jeewan (Family Planning makes a smart life), launched in Nepal on 21st August 2015 in an effort to reposition family planning for the young married couples (aged 15-29).

A “Badhai” or congratulations booklet was developed in the Wave-II to be used by community health workers and health worker when doing interpersonal communication/interactions with newly married couples and 1000- day couples (pregnancy 9 months and baby 2 years roughly equals to 1000 days). This booklet has important information useful for couples at the various stages of married and family life.

There are seven leaflets developed for use as job aids by community health workers and to be taken home by the newly-wed couples and 1000-days couples.

These cover

  • IUCD
  • Implant
  • 3-month injectable
  • Combined oral contraceptive pills
  • Condoms
  • Emergency contracentive pills
  • Two permanent family planning methods (vasectomy, minilap)
  • There is also one leaflet with information on all these methods

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Soul Buddyz Club Active Citizens Guide

This guide provides activities for Soul Buddyz Club members that create team building and show the participants what it means to become active citizens.

Soul Buddyz is a multi media “edutainment” vehicle for children aged 8-12 years old designed to promote their health and well-being. Told through Television, Radio and print learner material, it closely reflects the lives, struggles and joys of 8 -12 year olds in our changing society. Soul Buddyz addresses issues of child sexual abuse, disabilities, road safety alcohol abuse and its effect on children, and HIV and AIDS, as perceived by children. The Soul Buddyz Club is an innovative way of reaching children and helping them to take positive action in their own lives and communities. Soul Buddyz Club is the platform where children are exposed to positive peer interaction, information about their health and rights and fun and adventure to stimulate their growing minds.

Source: Soul City, SABC Education

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Suaahara 1000 days Brochure

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Suaahara was implemented by a consortium of partner organizations led by Save the Children.

The SBCC strategy established an internal quality materials review and production system to ensure that all partners in the consortium had mutually reinforcing, quality materials developed, pretested, produced and disseminated to the end user. The campaign coined a phrase for newly married couples within the first thousand days of their marriage – “1000 day couples”.

Suaahara developed this 1000 days brochure targeting 1000 days mothers and their families and give them information about how to take care of child and mother during 1000 days period. If families needed more service or counseling on the 1000 days they can go to Female Community Health Volunteers or nearby health institutions.

The brochures were developed for two region hill and terai and massively distributed in the Suaahara implemented hill and terai districts through NGO partners.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Suaahara Family Planning Posters/Brochures

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Suaahara was implemented by a consortium of partner organizations led by Save the Children.

The SBCC strategy established an internal quality materials review and production system to ensure that all partners in the consortium had mutually reinforcing, quality materials developed, pretested, produced and disseminated to the end user.

Suaahara Family Planning Posters/Brochures/Flex

In the year 2013, Suaahara developed this Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Posters and Brochures with communication input from SBCC team and technical input from Health Promotion team emphasizes increased knowledge on HTSP and utilization of FP services on time for birth spacing. There is an issue that 1000 day mothers and their husbands do not think about birth spacing, they are not aware about the FP methods for Spacing. They do not know the appropriate time and methods to use for birth spacing.

To address this issue, 1000 days mother and their husband as primary audience and Adolescent and family members as secondary audiences, Suaahara developed these family planning related posters and brochures with the objectives:

  • Help women or couples start thinking of HTSP and her FP options while she’s pregnant.
  • Help couples choose an appropriate family planning method.
  • To encourage breastfeeding as one of the methods of birth spacing.

Following are the list of FP related materials developed by Suaahara:

  • Poster on Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP) – “When to be pregnant?”
  • Poster on HTSP counseling at health facility
  • Brochure on Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy
  • Inform Choice Poster (Flex)

In the year 2014, these posters and brochures were rebranded as guided by “Bhanchhin Aama” campaign and some posters were redeveloped with modification and disseminated in all public places in Suaahara implementing districts through local NGO partners throughout the project period.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Suaahara Home Stead Food Production (HFP) Brochures/ Posters/Job Aids

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Suaahara was implemented by a consortium of partner organizations led by Save the Children.

The SBCC strategy established an internal quality materials review and production system to ensure that all partners in the consortium had mutually reinforcing, quality materials developed, pretested, produced and disseminated to the end user.

In 2013, Suaahara developed various HFP related brochures, posters, job aids etc. with communication input from SBCC team in-coordination with thematic partner Helen Killer International with their technical inputs emphasizes the key message “diversify nutrient dense vegetables in your homestead garden throughout the year”. The main objective of developing these materials are to increase vegetable diversity, to maximize vegetable production from same area/piece of land and to increase household’s access to diverse vegetables.

In the year 2014, these materials were rebranded as guided by “Bhanchhin Aama” campaign and disseminated in all public places in Suaahara implementing districts through local NGO partners throughout the project period. Required number of materials were sent to Suaahara district office/PNGO and Field Supervisors distributed these materials at their supervision areas by orienting the HFPB group leaders/VMFs about how to use these materials.

Home stead food production materials are as below:

  • Brochure on Garden to Plate-Helen Sweet Potato
  • Brochure on Garden to Plate-Kangkong
  • Poster on Bio Security
  • Poster on Bird Flu
  • Poster on Method of making Intensive Coop
  • HFP Job Aids for Nutrition Consumer Group and Village Model Farmers

The objective of developing and producing these HFP materials are to sensitize community about necessity of building coop for chicken and to improve household poultry rearing practices.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Suaahara II Program Brochure

The USAID Suaahara II “Good Nutrition” program (2016-2021) aims to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 40 districts of Nepal. This will be achieved through partnerships with the Government of Nepal (GoN), private sector entities, and other USAID-funded initiatives.

Suaahara II is dedicated to improving the health and nutrition of mothers and their children in the 1000 days’ period from conception until a child reaches 24 months of age. This period is recognized as a crucial timeframe during which nutritional interventions have optimal impact on child growth and development. Suaahara II will also engage men, mothers-in-law, and adolescents to expand health and nutrition knowledge and services. In particular, the program will address anemia, reproductive health, menstrual hygiene, food diversity, health service utilization and social attitudes towards delayed marriage and pregnancy. Suaahara II builds upon the work done in Suaahara I with 1000-day mothers, using an integrated cross-sectoral approach. Suaahara II will cover all households in 40 of the 75 districts of Nepal. The program is led by Helen Keller International and managed with CARE, FHI360, Equal Access, Environment and Public Health Organization, Nepali Technical Assistance Group and Vijaya Development Resource Centre.

Suaahara II program brochure is an introductory document on Suaahara II program. The brochure includes information on Suaahara II’s goals, intervening communities, target groups, strategies and approaches and information about implementing partners. This brochure is targeted for donors, external developmnt partners, government stakeholders and organizations working on health and nutrition sector.

Source: Helen Keller International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Tabletas de Hierro [Iron Pills] Reminder Cards for Pregnant Women

In the mid 1990s, a project under the USAID-funded, JSI-led OMNI Project produced a number of materials for community promoters (brigadistas) and facility staff, as well as for pregnant women promoting the use of iron sulfate tablets as part of prenatal care.

These two materials were designed to motivate and facilitate pregnant women taking their iron sulfate tablets:

  1. A “contract” (or commitment to try to take the tablets daily and do other, related practices
  2. An accompanying reminder card that women brought home from the facility with their month’s supply of tablets

Once they had taken their daily tablet, women were encouraged to draw a smile to complete the day’s face.

Source: The Manoff Group, Inc.

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019