Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria Wave 2- COVID-19 Spots

The second stream (Wave 2) audio spots as produced by Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria in support of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control’s Risk Communications response focused on preventive measures such as good hygiene and physical distancing as well as discouraging the sharing of fake news while promoting #Take Responsibility Campaign theme song.

The spots include:






Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Staying Safe Outside Radio Drama

This short drama describes how to stay safe from COVID-19 while doing errands and how to keep the virus from coming home.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Toolkit for Understanding Lockdown

This toolkit was developed in collaboration with the Department of Health to inform the public about the regulations for lockdown in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes PSAs, scripts for the PSAs, and a set of posters.

The materials in the toolkit include:

DablapMeds/CCMDD PSAs
Campaign Week 2 Radio Campaign Scripts in English
  1. Why lockdown, screening and testing, social distancing and regulations for COVID 19
  2. Lock down and house to house screening for COVID-19 symptoms
  3. Non- compliance of wearing mask , maintaining social distance and collection of medication at health facilities
  4. Patients with chronic conditions can access medication through CCMDD/ DablapMeds & Non – compliance of regulations

PSAs about Lockdown
Scripts about Lockdown
Scripts about Masks
Scripts – FAQs
Scripts about
Myths and Misinformation
Posters about Dablapmeds

This flyer and poster advertise a special medicine delivery service that delivers medicines closer to where people live so that they do not have to come to a pharmacy and can practice physical distancing.

The message states:

The best thing for your health is social distancing during COVID-19. If you are on CCMDD and still collecting at a facility, ask your nurse to register you to collect at an external pick-up point closer to you.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Centre for Communication Impact

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Radio Drama about Mental Health and COVID-19

This short radio drama describes how to cope with stress and anxiety during this time of COVID-19.

NOTE:Image used on this page is by Gustavo Ferreira Gustavo from Pixabay

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

COVID-19 Radio Spots

Ces spots discutes des informations générales sur les mesures de prévention des coronavirus.
These spots discuss general information on coronavirus prevention measures.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 7, 2020

Radio PSAs on COVID-19 – Ethiopia

These PSAs were produced with assistance from the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.

The PSAs cover the following topics:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020

COVID-19 Interactive Voice Response Audio and Scripts

Il s’agit de audio et de scripts sur COVID-19 traitant du lavage des mains, de l’utilisation de masques et de l’éloignement physique.
These are interactive voice response audio files and scripts about COVID-19 dealing with handwashing, the use of masks, and physical distancing.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 5, 2020

COVID-19 Videos, Bangladesh

This set of videos was produced to educate the community about COVID-19 prevention, including quarantine, staying at home, handwashing, and coughing/sneezing.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 14, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION COVID-19 Philippines

Breakthrough ACTION Philippines provided technical assistance in the production of several TV and radio spots.

The materials can be found here.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 14, 2020