Breakthrough ACTION COVID-19 Ghana Radio and Television Spots

Breakthrough ACTION Ghana’s COVID-19 project involved production of multiple forms of communication such as audio, video, and print materials. The audio and video spots are listed below. All of the videos can be found here. Radio spots are available below.

  • Archbishop Duncan Williams Audio
  • Joe Mettle, Gospel singer Audio
  • Mama Atrato II, Queen Mother of Ho-Dome Audio
  • Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo, Chairman of the Christian Council Audio (English) Audio (Twi)
  • Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofe Audio
  • Nii Adeji Klu of GBC Audio
  • Prof. Angela Ofori-Atta, Clinical Psychologist Audio
  • Prof. Azumah Nelson, Former WBC Super-Featherweight Champion Audio
  • Professor Kofi Agyekum, University of Ghana Audio
  • Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee, Founder, Salt and Light Ministry Audio
  • Rev. Ruby Amable, Head Pastor, EP Church Audio
  • Togbe Kwaku Ayim IV, Paramount Chief and President of Ziavi Traditional Council Audio

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 21, 2020

Anthrax Prevention Campaign, Ethiopia

These materials were produced to be aired as part of the Zoonotic diseases prevention campaigns in selected places in Ethiopia.

Radio Spots

The messaging focuses on prevention methods such as avoiding touching, killing and eating of sick looking or dead animals. The spots are available in various languages: Amharic, Afaan Oromoo, and Tigrigna.

Avoid Eating Raw Meat, Spot 1 – Amharic, Afaan Oromoo, and Tigrigna

Avoid Eating Raw Meat, Spot 2, Amharic

Vaccination Radio Spot 1 – Amharic

Vaccination Radio Spot 2 – Amharic

Treatment Radio Spot – Amharic

Prevention Radio Spot – Amharic


Factsheet on Anthrax Prevention – Amharic

This fact sheet provides detailed information and contains key issues such as the causative agent of Anthrax, signs and symptoms both in animals and humans, modes of transmission, prevention methods, and actions to be taken when an animal or human beings get sick. It serves as reference material that can be used by human and animal health service providers, media professionals, teachers, and other stakeholders for effective communication with audiences for a better public health outcome on both animals and humans. Messages on the fact sheet are drawn from the national priority zoonotic diseases message guide. The fact sheet is available in Amharic language.


Anthrax Prevention Methods Brochure – Amharic

This brochure provides messages on signs and symptoms for both animals and humans, mode of transmission, and prevention methods of selected zoonotic diseases. The messages are based on the national priority zoonotic disease message guide. It encourages preventive behaviors such as regular vaccination of livestock, avoiding eating and drinking raw animal products, not touching animals that may be sick, and washing hands with soap and water. Literate community members have intended audiences for messages on the material. It is part of a campaign called “Anthrax prevention Roadshow.”


Anthrax Prevention Poster

This poster is developed to educate the community and encourage them to avoid touching, killing, and eating the meat of sick animals. It also encourages washing hands with soap and water after any contact with animals. The posters can be posted at public places such as health facilities, animal health clinics, schools, and other relevant public places. Messages on the poster are extracted from the national priority zoonotic diseases message guide. The poster is available in Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Tigrigna.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 19, 2020

Radio Spots, Zambia

The following radio spots were procued as part of the Breakthrough ACTION Zambia project:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 15, 2020

Smart Jeewan Campaign

These materials are part of a family planning campaign – Parivar Niyojan Smart Banchha Jeewan (Family Planning makes a smart life), launched in Nepal on 21st August 2015 in an effort to reposition family planning for the young married couples (aged 15-29).

There are four television commercials in Wave-I showing the life stages of a couple where planning for family is needed. There are five television commercials in the Wave-II. One is intended to educate the viewers that there are family planning methods available and safe to use by post-partum mothers during breastfeeding. Second, about use of IUCD for spacing. Third about using IUCD. Fourth about the safety of using family planning methods like pills to delay first pregnancy. Fifth about the appropriate use of Emergency contraceptive pills.

There are five posters designed during Wave-1 to complement the four TVCs, one comprehensive poster with all life stages for family planning, and one to depict the uniting message of youths taking the ownership of family planning to be Smart Couples.

A “Badhai” or congratulations booklet was also developed in the Wave-II to be used by community health workers and health worker when doing interpersonal communication/interactions with newly married couples and 1000- day couples (pregnancy 9 months and baby 2 years roughly equals to 1000 days). This booklet has important information useful for couples at the various stages of married and family life.

There are seven leaflets developed to use as job aid by community health workers and information material to take home by the newly-wed couples and 1000-days couples regarding the five temporary family planning methods (IUCD, Implant, 3-month injectable, combined oral contraceptive pills, condoms), emergency contracentive pills, two permanent family planning methods (vasectomy, minilap), and one leaflet with information on all these methods.

Photo credit: © 2013 Valerie Caldas, Courtesy of Photoshare

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: August 5, 2020

COVID-19 PSAs – Ethiopia

The project has produced public service announcements for specific regions of Ethiopia.

Regional materials:

No Panic
Social Distancing

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Public Service Announcements

These PSAs from the Philippines have five tracks which cover all general information on COVID-19 such as signs and symptoms, mode of transmission, prevention, and misinformation.

NOTE:Image used on this page is by Gustavo Ferreira Gustavo from Pixabay

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Short Radio Drama: No to Fake News

This short radio drama from the Philippines describes how fake news related to COVID-19 spread online and how to deal with this misinformation. It also emphasizes on getting the right information from official sources.

NOTE:Image used on this page is by Gustavo Ferreira Gustavo from Pixabay

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Wave 3- COVID-19 Spots

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria developed a third wave (Wave 3) of Radio spots for NCDC in support of the RCCE. These spots are themed on self isolation, staying at home and general prevention messages for religious practices and are available in 4 Nigerian local languages; Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba and English language.

For each language, there is a spot for 4 different scenarios:

  • The Barber
  • The Neighbor
  • The Christian friend
  • The Muslim friend

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020