Crisis Emergency Risk Communications (CERC): The First 48 Hours Checklist

This Crisis Emergency Risk Communications (CERC) document, produced by the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a guide for the first 48 hours after an emergency. This checklist prioritizes communication to stakeholders, outlining procedures for notification of internal chains of command and pertinent government agencies as well

Last modified: August 12, 2024

Language: English

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Year of Publication: 2015

Defining Social and Behavior Change Competencies for Multi-Sectoral Nutrition: A List for Assessing, Developing, and Evaluating Staff Skills

This tool identifies 52 social and behavior change competencies—knowledge, skills, and attitudes—that project staff must demonstrate to design, implement, and evaluate the SBC components of multi-sectoral nutrition programs. It seeks to help program managers define the competencies most relevant to their activities and identify skill gaps across their project teams, and then use those competencies to guide hiring decisions, identify areas for capacity strengthening, and track changes in performance over time.

Last modified: December 29, 2023

Language: English, French

Source: USAID Advancing Nutrition

Year of Publication: 2020

Service Delivery Supervision and Monitoring Checklist

This checklist facilitates the supervision and monitoring of fistula repair service delivery. Forms include: Facility Information; Fistula Service Delivery at Facility; Monitoring of Counseling Services; Notes from Client Interviews; and Summary Notes and Recommendations from the Supervision and Monitoring Visit.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: October 15, 2021

BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19 Campaign Materials

BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19 campaign is a nationwide campaign that simplifies the citizen’s tasks into 4 letters — BIDA (hero), and encourages them to take an active role in the fight against a common enemy: COVID-19 (the “contrabida”).

The campaign encourages people to #BIDASolusyon (Be The Solution) by following 4 BIDA behaviors:

  • B – Bawal walang mask (Don’t go out without a mask)
  • I – I-sanitize ang mga kamay, iwas hawak sa mga bagay (Sanitize your hand, avoid touching things)
  • D – Dumistansya ng isang metro (Keep your distance of 1 meter)
  • A – Alamin ang totoong impormasyon (Know the right information)

The campaign materials include TV commercial, radio commercial, print materials such as posters, billboards, signages, and decals, newspaper ads, social media cards, broadcaster’s manual, and hygiene kit. The hygiene kit has bath soap, laundry soap, fabric mask, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary napkin, shampoo, nail cutter, dishwashing liquid, and BIDA kit bag with BIDA, DOH, and USAID logos.

This campaign was developed and implemented through the collaboration of USAID Philippines, Breakthrough ACTION team, and Department of Health, and in partnership with other public and private partners.

It is a multimedia campaign to maximize reach and enable behavior.

For implementation purposes, there are the following:

The following materials are included in the campaign:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 16, 2021

Eligibility Checklist

This is a checklist for the general population to use to determine if their symptoms are consistent with COVID-19.

Source: Ministry of Health Uganda

Date of Publication: April 6, 2020

COVID-19 Checklist

This checklist offers a scoring system for determining a patient’s COVID-19 status. It has been used in hospitals in Uganda.

Source: Ministry of Health, Uganda

Date of Publication: March 27, 2020

Adolescents’ HIV Prevention and Treatment Literacy Toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa

This is a set of materials for working with adolescents.

The purposes of the toolkit are:

  • Create open advocacy spaces for adolescent HIV prevention and treatment issues
  • Strengthen the capacity of the key custodians of adolescent education systems and structures at community level (teachers and school staff, counsellors, service providers) to further engage adolescents and their circles of care
  • Scale-up availability of and access to information on adolescent HIV prevention and treatment at the local level

The tookit consists of:

  • Facilitator’s guide
  • Reference materials
  • Workbook for ages 10-12
  • Workbook for ages 13-15
  • Workbook for ages 16-19
  • Quiz cards
  • Personal responsiblity list
  • Teacher’s guide

Source: SafAIDS

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Ebola Risk Communication Plan Checklist

This is a checklist based on the PAHO Ebola Risk Communication Plan Checklist and was modified for Ghana, during a 2015 workshop on Ebola communication preparedness.

It includes step to develop and implement a national risk communication plan.

NOTE: There are handwirrten notes on this document.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Fistula Diagnosis Job Aid

This is a job aid for diagnosis of obstetric fistula when women present with a leakage of urine at a primary health care center. It offers a yes/no checklist for description of the women’s symptoms, and a list of “to dos” to prepare the woman for repair surgery. There is also a list of references for further reading.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malaria Prevention: Quick checklist Distribution of Long-lasting Insecticide Treated Nets in Refugee Situations

This checklist was created for use in refugee situations so that service providers can quickly review how to prevent and reduce malaria through the distribution of Long-lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN).

It includes information on who should receive the nets, which nets to use, how to distribute the nets, how to involve the refugee community, and how to evaluate whether the distribution and use of nets has been successful.

Source: UNHCR

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019