Pata Tohara (“Get Circumcised!”) Radio Spots

In 2011, the Tanzania Communication and Capacity Project, TCCP), along with JHPIEGO, designed a campaign to increase the rate of voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC).

The project aimed at sharing the following messages about VMMC:

  • Relative advantage – why it is better than not being circumcised
  • Compatibility – how VMMC fits with the lifestyles of each target audience, and is appropriate for both younger and older men
  • Complexity – that VMMC is easy and safe

TCCP developed a new “age-aware” communication strategy that divided the primary target audience into two groups: one for boys and young men aged 10-19 years, and another for men age 20-34.

The chosen creative concept focused on a call to action – Pata Tohara (“Get Circumcised”), and highlighted the key benefits found to be most appealing to target audience members: circumcision provides protection and enhances


These radio spots were produced as part of the campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 22, 2021

Universal & Adaptable Information, Education & Communication Templates on Family Planning

These “universal templates” can be used by SBCC specialists who can draw in features that contextualize the images to their setting (such as hair, clothing). The “variation templates” are based on the “universal templates,” and have been adapted to represent four broad ethnic categories. The suggested text is available in English, and also Arabic, Burmese, Somali and Swahili to insert into the blank templates.

All images are based on a literature review of existing family planning-related IEC materials, many from development contexts. The materials have been reviewed by adolescents and community members representing several displacement settings, and practitioners of family planning.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: Arabic, English, Somali, Swahili

Malaria and COVID-19 Television Spot – Kenya

Breakthrough ACTION worked with the Kenyan Division of the National Malaria Programme to develop this spot that promotes malaria prevention, testing, and treatment.

The spot also reassures audiences that it is safe to go to the health facility during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to safety precautions put in place. The spot has been broadcast regularly on four of the leading local TV stations in Kenya starting in January 2021.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 13, 2021

Return to School Video for Kids

This video, available in English and Swahili, shows a group of students returning to school and expressing concerns about COVID-19.

Source: USAID Kenya Mission

Date of Publication: January 13, 2021

Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition COVID-19 TV Spots

The Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition (HBCC) created these spots and produced them in a variety of languages.

The HBCC is funded by the Unilever Transform project and the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office.

The spots are as follows:


30 SEC –

15 SEC –

6 SEC –


30 SEC –

15 SEC –

6 SEC –


30 SEC –

15 SEC –

6 SEC –


30 SEC –

15 SEC –

6 SEC –


30 SEC –

15 SEC –

6 SEC –

Source: Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition

Date of Publication: January 5, 2021

Femina Hip

In 1999 Femina Hip was set up as a civil society organization in Tanzania to foster healthy lifestyles by educating and connecting young people around sexual and reproductive health and rights as well as HIV/AIDS prevention at a precarious time of the epidemic.

To address this reality the project created a multimedia platform to foster knowledge and skills through participatory story telling. In the subsequent years the platform grew adding communication vehicles including TV, radio, print and social media as well as a large outreach program through study clubs in secondary schools.

The Fema TV Show has been on air since 2003, highlighting different themes and campaigns each season. Recorded ‘on the road’ in different locations across Tanzania, this media vehicle provides a dynamic and versatile entry point for Femina Hip to address current issues.

Fema Radio first aired in 2013 and is produced in three month seasons each year. The show’s content is regularly crafted to echo our other Femina Hip agendas that are implemented at the same time. Like all of our other media products, Fema Radio is recorded ‘on the road’ exploring and engaging youth and communities across Tanzania.

Fema Magazine has been produced and printed quarterly for 20 years in Tanzania. It has one of the largest print runs and is one of the most popular and well known magazines in the country. It is distributed to both secondary schools, Folk Development Colleges, local government and civil society partners across Tanzania. The magazine content includes sections on all of Femina Hip’s strategic agendas: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Economic Empowerment, Citizen Engagement and Youth Connect.

In 2009 the program expanded its life skills agenda and our focus on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS prevention to include economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and citizen rights and engagement.

Date of Publication: May 11, 2020

ISHI Youth HIV/AIDS Project, Tanzania

ISHI was a behavior change communication campaign directed to Tanzanian youth to help them understand the risks associated with HIV/AIDS and to help them learn ways to protect themselves. The overall campaign objective was to increase the number of young men and women who believe they are at personal risk of contracting HIV/AIDS and to motivate them to adopt protective behaviors. The key message for ISHI phase II was “You cannot tell by knowing.”

Key outputs were:

  • Radio and TV spots featuring young people with key campaign message
  • Billboards placed in high-density areas in all the ten regions.
  • Print ads that will strategically support the campaign will be placed in newspapers and magazines reaching the youth during the initial phase of the campaign.
  • FEMINA TV. A lively variety show hosted by a dynamic young female presenter will feature “ ISHI Voices from the Field” each week. To reach youth who lack access to television, the show will be dubbed into VHS cassettes and disseminated through YAG/ISHI regional teams.
  • “Duara”, a half hour AIDS-related drama, produced with the University of Dar es Salaam School of Film and Performing Arts will play on national television and in road shows, local festivals and community events.

Project materials included:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 11, 2020

COVID-19: Keeping Young People Healthy

This page offers practical guides for adolesecents and young people, parents and caregivers, healthcare providers and implementing partners to keep young people healthy during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Last modified: April 30, 2020

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Swahili




      Aiisseee! (I Say!) Game Show Conceptual Framework

      This framework was used to guide the development of the Aiissee! (I Say!) Game Show in Tanzania.

      Aiisseee! (“I Say!”) is a television and radio-based game show designed to improve couple communication and promote couple connectedness by giving contestants and listeners the chance to discuss serious relationship issues in a humorous way. In these programs, couples answer questions to see how well they know their partners.

      The programs are a project of the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP).

      The show acts as a platform for conversations about HIV prevention, maternal and child health, and family planning, using a subtle yet provocative approach to create a comfortable forum for addressing hard-to-discuss issues in a non-confrontational way.

      Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

      Date of Publication: December 9, 2019