Mainstreaming Gender and Youth in Malaria Programming in Uganda

According to the World Health Organization, gender norms, roles and behaviors significantly influence how women, men, and young people react to health challenges, access health services, and how health systems respond to their needs. A thorough understanding of youth- and gender-related dynamics of health seeking, decision-making, and resource allocation — and their integration into programming — is critical for effective malaria control and prevention. This learning brief offers guidance and shares learning with malaria programs in Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa on integrating measures that address gender- and youth-related barriers.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: October 27, 2022

Edutainment as a vehicle for malaria-related behavior change: Lessons learnt from Uganda

Many malaria awareness interventions in Uganda are designed to target women and children under five, often overlooking men and male youth. With men typically controlling their household’s financial resources and making decisions about expenditures, including on health, successfully reaching and engaging men with health campaigns is extremely important. The USAID Malaria Action Program for Districts identified large-scale football events of the 2018 FIFA World Cup to successfully engage men with edutainment activities aimed at improving their knowledge of malaria prevention, treatment and behavior change within households.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: October 27, 2022

Shifting Climate Culture Now

Over 70% of Americans see climate change occurring, and two-thirds feel the need to take personal action about it. However, many Americans are not sure of the behavioral shifts they can adopt to address climate change. Rare’s Shift Climate Culture program focuses on promoting the adoption of identified highest impact behaviors which can reduce green gas emissions significantly. Rare uses four strategic channels to drive this program: Climate Culture Hometown; Green Benefits; Climate Culture Entertainment Laboratory and Digital Campaigns.

Source: Rare

Date of Publication: September 20, 2022

Modern Kitchen Campaign, Bangladesh

The Clean Cooking Alliance (Alliance), government agency SREDA, Social Marketing Company and Purplewood implemented a campaign, between 2016 to 2019, for promoting clean cooking products in Bangladesh. The campaign aimed at increasing awareness and adoption of clean (energy-efficient and low emission) cookstoves and clean fuels like LP gas, wood pellets. The campaign also promoted a retained heat cooker, piloted by GIZ Bangladesh.

The campaign aimed to expand the stove-continuum to accommodate improved cookstoves and efficient fuels e.g. LPG, wood pellets. All thirteen products were brought under a category-brand, styled ‘Modern Kitchen’. The big idea was, “Times have changed, change your kitchen.” A social norming approach was also adopted, showing that forward thinking households were upgrading their kitchens, and minding the health of the cook (usually the female household head).

The campaign used radio, print, billboards, rickshaw branding, interpersonal communications (IPC), community-theater, movie-screenings, and fairs. Also used were bulk SMS, helpline and geo-targeted Facebook marketing. All materials were pre-tested in the field and fine-tuned before deployment. In each case, usage situations of clean cooking products were highlighted.

The key pitch was a soap-opera style, over-the-top family drama, screened outdoors. In the story, a flamboyant man realizes that – despite his clothes and gadgets – his meek older brother is more modern; because a truly modern man protects his home and family. Multiple product usage and maintenance videos were produced. To create hype, ‘kitchen makeover’ activities were carried out in 16 locations.

For women, the campaign went into playgrounds and yards. In the street theater performance, the heroine was a young ‘Modern’ new-bride who tries to clean up her in-laws’ kitchen. A TV celebrity endorsed HAP messaging, and starred in a mock Teleshopping Program about stoves. Outreach workers carried videos and materials to households and conducted IPC sessions.

Over 300 days of SBCC activities reached an estimated 1.6 million unique individuals. Online video views totalled 550,000. Final evaluation, carried out by Berkeley Air Monitoring Group, showed a ~40% increase in brand awareness. Nearly 15000 units of clean stoves and fuels were sold during the campaign period.

Source: Purplewood Limited

Date of Publication: November 16, 2021

Facts about Plague in California

This brochure shows areas of the state where plague is likely to be found in rodents and other animals, how to protect oneself, and how to recognize plague symptoms.

Source: California Department of Health

Date of Publication: November 2, 2021

Family Planning Brochures

These brochures serve as a way of reinforcing information about family planning. They are distributed in Nigerian communities to remind community members of the benefits of birth spacing at all levels of society from the individual to the family and community level.

The brochures were designed to be state-specific with images that resonate with cultural and religious teachings in each state.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 2, 2021

Obstetric Fistula Digital Stories: Facilitator’s Guide

This guide serves as a companion to the “Learn From My Story” series. In order to help people to listen to and use the stories, a facilitator’s guide was created and includes: the text of each woman’s story, discussion questions tailored to each woman’s story, and key messages for facilitators to convey.

The intended use of the guide is with three main audiences: health care providers, women with fistula, and community members.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: October 19, 2021

My Childhood My Right Campaign Materials

This campaign was inspired by a group of youths in the Purulia and Malda districts of West Bengal in 2011. At the center of the campaign were Youth Champions – young change agents identified by Unicef through their network of schools. The campaign strategy was train hundreds of Youth Champions through workshops, empower them to engage other community stakeholders in conversation, while simultaneously running a public visibility campaign on the issue.

Included are:

  • Youth Champion’s booklet – This Picture and Activity booklet was a take-home for the young participants, handed out at the end of the workshop. It has been designed to summarise the key issues covered; including aspects of law, discussions around the prevailing attitudes and practices, and ideas on how the Youth Champions can continue the dialogue in their own communities.
  • Posters aimed at youth as well as at different groups of stakeholders
  • Banners
  • Wall paintings
  • Billboards

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Post Earthquake Emergency Flyer

This is a flyer regarding water, sanitation and hygiene, reproduced during the post-earthquake period in Nepal in the spring of 2015.

This was initially developed by UNICEF for dissemination during emergency situations. The flyer provides messages regarding water purification, use of latrines, hand washing, proper displosal of waste, and hygiene, etc.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Prevention and Protection against Bird Flu

This leaflet explains that even if bird flu is not currently active in the country, it is important to be preapred so that citizens can help prevent an epidemic.The best way to ensure that people protect themselves, their families and chickens against bird flu is to make sure they are alert to the dangers, and aware of actions to take and behaviors to follow.

These behaviors include: reporting anything suspicious separating new poultry stock from old poultry stock for two weeks, hand washing, and taking care when cooking.

Source: UNICEF, WHO, Pacific Regional Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Project

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021