Bulletin Echo One Health

The “ECHO One Health” is an informative and visual newsletter that compiles critical achievements across the One Health Platform highlighting risk communication and community engagement (CREC) activities. The newsletter enhances partner coordination, supports knowledge management and capacity strengthening, and raises the profile of GHSA contributions to PZD preparedness and response to outbreaks, including the ongoing COVID-19 Epidemic. The newsletter is only available in French.

Le “ECHO One Health” est un bulletin d’information visuel qui compile les réalisations essentielles de la plateforme One Health en mettant en évidence les activités de communication sur les risques et d’engagement communautaire (CREC). Le bulletin améliore la coordination entre les partenaires, soutient la gestion des connaissances et le renforcement des capacités, et fait mieux connaître les contributions de la GHSA à la préparation et à la réponse aux épidémies de PZD, y compris l’épidémie actuelle de COVID-19.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 1, 2021

Didier and Men in the Informal Sector: Emerging Leaning:

This emerging learning document details the lessons learned from the first phase of the Didier comic book series in Cote d’Ivoire, which focused on engaging young men in the informal sector on sexuality, family planning and relationships.

Source: PSI

Date of Publication: March 1, 2021

Malaria-themed Radio Magazine Program

This 13-episode Nigerian reality radio program incorporates different interactive elements, such as interviews, discussions, vox pop, testimonials and expert opinions to engage audiences on malaria-related topics. The English version is titled Play Your Part while the Hausa version is titled Taka Naka Rawan.

Each episode lasts 15 minutes and the program is broadcast in English and Hausa. Between 2015 and 2017 the show was broadcast weekly in five stations across five states -Akwa Ibom, Kebbi, Benue, Nasarawa & Zamfara.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Radio Programs on FGM – Ethiopia

A project by Population Media Center includes the production of radio programs in three languages (Amharic, Afar, and Somali):

Source: Population Media Center

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Si Mchezo! Magazine

Si Mchezo! (“No Joke” in Swahili) magazine, part of the Femina Hip project, which targets rural, out-of-school youth, aged 15-25, and their communities with messages about HIV/AIDS, healthy lifestyles, sexuality, skills, entrepreneurship, and livelihoods.

The magazine appears in Swahili and messages are tailored for a semi-literate audience. Si Mchezo! is distributed free of charge to more than 250 partner organisations in Tanzania, including large-scale workplaces, civil society organisations, and local government. 150,000 copies (in 2008) of every issue are distributed and further expansion is planned. According to the organisation, the success of Si Mchezo! magazine is largely due to its community-based editorial collection process. For every issue, editors travel to rural communities with a digital camera and document the real-life stories and views of ordinary people.

Wazazi Nipendeni (Love me, parents) is a national, multi-channel social and behavior change communication campaign in Tanzania that aims to empower pregnant women and their partners to take the steps necessary for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. Wazazi Nipendeni articles and back-cover advertisements appeared in the Jan-Feb 2013 edition of Femina Hip’s Si Mchezo! magazine, a print publication targeting out of school youth.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Teen Talk

The is the sub-Saharan Africa edition of Teen Talk, a question and answer guide for HIV-positive adolescents, which was adapted from the Botswana version, published in 2010 by the Botswana-Baylor Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence Teen Club Program, and the original version, which was published in the United States in 2004.

Teen Talk covers a variety of topics, including ARVs, adherence, friendship, nutrition, exercise, reproductive health, positive prevention, multiple concurrent partnerships, safe male circumcision, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, emotions, and disclosure.

Source: Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019