Haryana Newborn Action Plan

As a follow up to the India Newborn Action Plan, the Haryana Newborn Action Plan (HNAP) has been drafted as a state-specific roadmap for reducing preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths and achieving the desired targets for the neonatal mortality rate (NMR) and stillbirth rate (SBR) by 2030.

The document looks into the current situational analysis of newborn health in the state and the state initiatives for reducing neonatal mortality. It documents the process followed for development of the HNAP and its implementation. Based on the activities undertaken by the state, and available resources it suggests a roadmap for the state to implement evidence-based high impact interventions for achieving the target of Single digit NMR and SBR by 2030.


Date of Publication: April 28, 2022

Liberia National Malaria Social and Behavior Change Strategy

The Liberia National Malaria Strategic Plan 2021–2025 redefines the strategic direction and focus of the malaria program, including strengthening of management and coordination structures, health systems, and capacities to achieve greater equity, coverage, quality, and more effective delivery of the interventions. In addition, the malaria NSP includes plans for preparedness and timely response during emergencies to ensure malaria control activities continue with minimal disruptions in an emergency (e.g., Ebola virus disease or coronavirus).

As the first National Malaria Social and Behavior Change Strategy for Liberia, this document is intended to guide all social and behavior change efforts supporting the objectives outlined in the NSP.

The participatory strategy development process involved partners of the Ministry of Health (National Health Promotion Unit (NHPU), the National Community Health Services Program (NCHP), the NMCP, Family Health Program (FHP) at the national and subnational levels, donors, non-governmental organizations, and international partners.

Source: Liberia National Malaria Control Program

Date of Publication: April 27, 2022

Stratégie nationale de communication pour un changement social et de comportement sur les six zoonoses prioritaires au Sénégal

La présente Stratégie nationale de communication pour le changement social et de comportement sur les six maladies zoonotiques prioritaires au Sénégal pour la période 2020-2024 est le fruit d’une collaboration entre les différents secteurs ministériels, les organisations de la société civile et les partenaires techniques et financiers du pays.

This National Communication Strategy for Social and Behavioral Change on the six priority zoonotic diseases in Senegal for the period 2020–2024 is the result of collaboration between various ministerial sectors, civil society organizations, and the country’s technical and financial partners.

Source: Secrétariat général du gouvernement haut conseil national de la sécurité sanitaire mondiale secrétariat permanent

Date of Publication: March 31, 2022

COMBI SBCC Communication Strategy for Integrated Community Level Malaria, TB, and HIV Prevention [Namibia]

Developed in 2011, this is an SBCC strategy for community-level programs in behavior change related to TB, malaria and HIV prevention.

This strategy includes sections on strategy design, target populations, Individual, household and community level interventions, program implementation and supervision, locations and number of implementers, linkages for continuity of care, monitoring and evaluation, training, and proposed next steps.

Source: MOHSS Directorate for Special Programs, Namibia, C-Change

Date of Publication: October 19, 2021

Communication Strategy and Workplan for Avian Influenza

The goals of this communication strategy are:

  • Improve knowledge of certain practices such as the risk of children playing / handling poultry and hygienic means to dispose poultry wastes.
  • Increase the percent of the public who believe that they could be infected by AI (i.e. increase the perception of possible risk for individuals) and / or who think that their children could be at serious risk if they handle poultry.
  • Decrease the percent of children playing / handling poultry in the areas of intervention
  • Decrease the percent of the public who purchase chicken from un-safe sources (lay merchants)
  • Contribute to the preparation of behavioral messages for home care and hygiene in the case of a pandemic outbreak

Source: UNICEF, Government of Egypt

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Nepal Earthquake Materials

These materials were produced in response to critical health concerns following the 2015 earthquake.

CCP, UNICEF, USAID, and the Nepali Ministry of Health worked to create materials to address stress, hygiene, and water safety in the weeks and months following the event.

These include:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Nepal Ministry of Health and Population, UNICEF, USAID

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Suaahara Nepal Project

Suaahara was an integrated nutrition project (2011-2016) that worked in 41 underserved districts in Nepal to improve the health and well-being of the Nepali people by focusing on the nutritional status of women and children under the age of two years. CCP partnered with Save the Children; Helen Keller International; Jhpiego; Nepali Technical Assistance Group; Nepal Water for Health; and the Nutrition Promotion and Consultancy Service.

Suaahara means good nutrition, or “a good balanced diet is the strong foundation protecting our lives.” As part of the implementing team, CCP supported strategic social and behavior change communication initiatives that build on this message and model behavior change to lead to improved maternal, infant and child nutrition.

In close coordination with Nepal government, the team created Bhanchhin Aama (Mother knows best), which served as the basis for a campaign for mass and community media. Bhanchhin Aama is a trusted, knowledgeable friendly mother-in-law character who models and promotes positive behavior change.

Project products included:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 29, 2021

Elavoration d’un protocole de surveillance au niveau des abattoirs des maladies prioritaires y compris les zoonoses

La situation épidémiologique nationale est dominée par l’existence de plusieurs pathologies majeures qui affectent le bétail. Certaines d’entre-elles sont zoonotiques et impactent tant sur la santé animale que sur la santé publique.

Source: Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Elevage, Guinea

Date of Publication: March 8, 2021

Plan Strategique SRMNIA-N Guinee

Le plan SRMNIA-N 2020-2024 a pour vision de faire en sorte qu’à l’horizon 2024, ‘’ toutes les mères, les nouveaux nés, les enfants et les adolescents/Jeunes, bénéficient d’un accès optimal aux soins et aux services SRMNIA-N de qualité d’une manière efficiente, équitable, fondé sur les droits humains avec la pleine participation de tous’’.

L’objectif global du plan est d’éliminer les décès maternels, néonatales, infantiles et infantojuvéniles évitables et promouvoir le bien-être des femmes, des nouveau-nés, des enfants, des adolescents et des jeunes en utilisant une approche multisectorielle basée sur les droits et l’accès universel aux services de SRMNIA-N fournis dans un continuum de soins respectueux.

De cet objectif général cinq (05) spécifiques ont été décliné notamment:

  • Renforcer l’offre de soins respectueux et services SRMNIA-N de qualité
  • Renforcer l’environnement habilitant, la mobilisation et la gestion optimale du financement de la SRMNIA-N
  • Renforcer la coordination multisectorielle et le suivi évaluation des interventions de SRMNIA-N à tous les niveaux du système de santé
  • Promouvoir l’enregistrement des faits d’Etat civil (naissance, mariage, décès)
  • Promouvoir la génération de la demande de soins et services de SRMNIA-N

Les stratégies de mise en œuvre du nouveau plan seront basées sur l’approche communautaire, la collaboration multisectorielle/transdisciplinaire, l’engagement du secteur privé, la gestion axée sur les résultats et la redevabilité. Les mécanismes de coordination et de suivi et évaluation s’intègrent dans le dispositif national déjà existant.

Source: Ministry of Health, Guinea

Date of Publication: January 20, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategy, India

This communication strategy supports the COVID-19 vaccines rollout in India and seeks to disseminate timely, accurate and transparent information about the vaccine(s) to alleviate apprehensions about the vaccine, ensure its acceptance and encourage uptake.

The strategy will also serve to guide national, state and district level communication activities, so that the information on the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination process reaches all people, across all states in the country.

The strategy aims to accomplish these goals by:

  • Managing and mitigating any potential disappointment expressed by unmet demand for the vaccine or ‘eagerness’ amongst people
  • Addressing vaccine ‘hesitancy’ that could arise because of apprehensions around vaccine safety, efficacy; and any other myths and misconceptions
  • Provide information on potential risks and mitigate unintended crisis (e.g. AEFI clusters, delay in vaccine rollout for certain population categories) during the introduction and rollout

Source: Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Date of Publication: January 12, 2021