Health Communication Component, Pakistan – Music Videos and Jingles

This page provides a series of music videos and jingles produced as part of the Pakistan Health Communication Component project, 2014-2018.

Included are:

  • Roshan – promotes indigenised solutions to local problems and communal support and harmony in overcoming barriers to accessing health care services, especially for improving mother and child health.
  • Paiman – promotes the responsibility of family members especially of husband for providing extra care to a pregnant woman with the aim of insuring an improved maternal and neonate outcomes.
  • Maa – portrays the story of a boy whose mother died giving him birth due to unpreparedness and how he spent his childhood and adulthood trying to imagine how she looked and how he lost the love.
  • Zindagi – promotes the responsibility of family members for providing extra care to a newborn with the aim of insuring an improved neonate and child outcomes.

Source: USAID, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Health Communication Component, Pakistan – Project Documentaries

This page provides a series of documentaries produced as part of the Pakistan Health Communication Component project, 2014-2018.

The documentaries include:

  • Bright Lives – demonstrates the efforts and impact of USAID-funded Health Communication Component (HCC).
  • ‘Sammi’ – narrates the entire story of the USAID-funded Health Communication Component (HCC)’s entertainment-education drama ‘Sammi’ in a visually appealing manner. The narrative is told in the words of the lead cast, director and the technical lead. The English-language short documentary also covers development, delivery and impact of the drama serial ‘Sammi’.
  • Pakistan’s First Urban Family Planning Project – provides an introduction to ‘Sukh Initiative’ a family planning project (2013 – 2018) implemented in Karachi and highlights its key interventions to building a holistic health eco-system aimed at increasing modern contraceptive use by 15 percentage points.
  • Headline -speaks to the larger media community in Pakistan, and more specifically to media managers, senior journalists, and editors, to build their knowledge on population and family planning issues and also highlight reasons why this remains an underreported subject.
  • Call to Life – based on the intervention that engaged Muslim scholars across Pakistan for promoting mother and child health. It gives a detailed insight into the entire activity. It comprises brief statements by Muslim scholars, representing different Islamic sects, on the issue of mother and child health and success of the intervention.
  • Mohabbatein (Love Story) – focusing on factors leading to poor maternal health. It presents compelling information in a dramatic way, linking the timeless love story of the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan, who lost his wife Mumtaz Mahal while she delivered her 14th child, and issues of maternal and newborn health in Pakistan today.

Source: USAID, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Health Communication Component, Pakistan – Project TV Ads

This page provides a series of television advertisements produced as part of the Pakistan Health Communication Component project, 2014-2018.

The ads include:

  • Lady Health Workers – promotes and gives recognition to the Lady Health Workers’ network which is the backbone of Pakistan’s basic health care services. This network provides health related information and services to their communities at their doorstep.
  • Newborn Care – on newborn care in general and specifically on delaying bath to children for at least six hours after birth for prevention from pneumonia.
  • Family Planning – informs about different family planning methods to choose from, for men and women, and both short-term and long-term reversible methods of contraception, which fits your needs and circumstances.
  • Birth Preparedness – talks about how birth preparedness can help families to overcome any possible complications, especially by arranging money, transportation and identification of health facility and skilled birth provider.
  • Exclusive Breastfeeding – talks about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a child and the benefits it has for child’s growth.
  • Antenatal Care – highlights the importance of antenatal care, especially at least four visits to health providers, to prevent from any possible complication before or during pregnancy
  • Essential Immunizations – stresses on the importance of essential immunisation of children, even though if one has to overcome access barriers.
  • Breastfeeding – underscores the importance of breastfeeding in general and specifically exclusive breastfeeding for first six months for improved health of children; it also addresses common misconceptions about breastfeeding.
  • Skilled Birth Attendants – on the critical importance of skilled birth delivery during pregnancy and identifies four skilled birth attendance, namely Doctor, Nurse, Midwife and the Lady Health Visitor.
  • Diarrhea – on treatment of diarrhoea and precautionary measures needed to limit the loss of water and minerals in children.
  • Postnatal Care – talks about the importance of postnatal care soon after and after six hours of delivery for both mother and the child.

Source: USAID, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy Animation

This video explains the basics of HTSP in a short animated form.

Healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy (HTSP) is an approach to family planning that helps women and families delay, space, or limit their pregnancies to achieve the healthiest outcomes for women, newborns, infants, and children. HTSP works within the context of free and informed contraceptive choice and takes into account fertility intentions and desired family size.

Source: K4Health Project

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HIV-Free Babies: A Discusison Tool on PMTCT

This 19 minute video tells the story of a young couple expecting the birth of their first child. The mother is HIV positive and the couple has been very careful to maintain her prenatal care schedule and make sure she is taking her ARV medication.

When the baby is born, the husband’s mother comes to help out and is very critical of the instructions which the wife has been given about caring for a baby when one is HIV positive, especially regarding breastfeeding. The mother in law begins to insist that the baby receive formula and she and the mother begin to argue. The story ends with the baby growing and thriving and the mother in law agreeing that the wife knew what procedures to follow.

Source: Soul City

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Make Super Flour for Complementary Feeding of an Infant

The USAID-funded Suaahara ‘Good Nutrition’ Project’s Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother says”) campaign comprehensively integrates nutrition, sanitation, agriculture and health services promotion to improve health outcomes. The program focuses on families within the 1000 days from pregnancy till the child is two years old.

This short video shows 1000 days families how to make super flour, which is a nutritious complementary food for infants.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Make Tasty Food out of Pumpkin for Complementary Feeding of an Infant

The USAID-funded Suaahara ‘Good Nutrition’ Project’s Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother says”) campaign comprehensively integrates nutrition, sanitation, agriculture and health services promotion to improve health outcomes. The program focuses on families within the 1000 days from pregnancy till the child is two years old.

This short video shows 1000 days families how to make complementary food for infants out of pumpkin, which is a nutritious, locally available food in most of Nepal.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Make Tasty Jaulo for Complementary Feeding of an Infant

The USAID-funded Suaahara ‘Good Nutrition’ Project’s Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother says”) campaign comprehensively integrates nutrition, sanitation, agriculture and health services promotion to improve health outcomes. The program focuses on families within the 1000 days from pregnancy till the child is two years old.

This short video shows 1000 days families how to make ‘jaulo’, a rice-based nutritious complementary food for infants using locally available foods.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Use a Complementary Feeding Wheel during Counseling

The USAID-funded Suaahara ‘Good Nutrition’ Project’s Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother says”) campaign comprehensively integrates nutrition, sanitation, agriculture and health services promotion to improve health outcomes. The program focuses on families within the 1000 days from pregnancy till the child is two years old.

The Bhanchhin Aama Campaign developed a complementary feeding wheel for front line workers to use when discussing age specific complementary food during home visits to 1000 days mothers. This short video explains how to use the complementary feeding wheel.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Ideation Animated Video

A short white board animation video that illustrates how the Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative used Ideational Theory to inform and design the successful project mass media campaign, activities, messages and materials.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019