inSCALE Mobile Technology – Enhancing Community Health Worker Performance and Motivation

This is an introductory video to the inSCALE project in Uganda, which was created to make the work of community health workers (CHWs) easier. Using cell phones, they share the data they’ve collected at the end of the week, speak regularly to their supervisors and colleagues, and use innovative app-based tools to improve their performance.

The CHWs receive weekly and monthly feedback on their phones, as well as thanks for their hard work and reminders about how important their work is. The workers reported that the feedback is invaluable.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

It’s About the People: Tanzania’s VMMC Program Gets It Right

This video describes the VMMC program in Tanzania. It includes interviews with VMMC providers, health officials, and a family that has embraced VMMC for HIV prevention.

Source: AIDSFree, MCHIP

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

It’s My Life – Girls Say No to Child Marriage in Africa

This video profiles young girls who were forced into early marriage, and explains the problem in eastern and southern Africa.

Source: PLAN International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Life is What You Make It – Theme Song for GoodLife Ghana

“Life is what you make it” is the theme song of the Ghana GoodLife Campaign. The song links personal happiness to the practice of healthy behaviors

The GoodLife song is part of the overarching multimedia campaign and encourages reflection about what makes life “good.” It moves health messages beyond instructive commands to engaging people on issues relevant to their own daily lives. The song says, “Good Life goes with good health.Think about it!”

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Family Health Division of the Ghana Health Service

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

The Lingering Effect of Dengue Fever

Three individuals in Malaysia tell the story of how everything changed after they contracted dengue.

Source: Break Dengue

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malaria-Focused Video Clips for Community Dialogue

These are adapted malaria-focused storylines from a TV serial drama (New Man Street). Screened during community dialogues to an average audience of about 60 persons per session. They were screened 1,277 times to about 74,111 persons. The videos were produced in English and Hausa and were shown in Nasarawa, Benue, Akwa Ibom, Kebbi & Zamfara states.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malaria-themed TV Spots

These are 60-second TV commercials developed in line with the National Malaria Elimination Programme’s slogan – “For a Malaria‐Free Nigeria”. It covers the following thematic areas: ANC, LLINs, Malaria Risk Perception and Testing Before Treatment.

The videos were shown in Akwa Ibom, Kebbi, Nasarawa, Ebonyi, Bauchi, Sokoto, Benue, Oyo, Kano & Cross River states in Pidgin, English and Hausa languages. These videos were aired about 12, 993 times. between 2015 and 2017.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malawi: Moyo ndi Mpamba All Stars Music Video

In Malawi, the Moyo ndi Mpamba project implemented a Music4Life initiative, through which musical artists were engaged to produce and perform songs that incorporated health messages. This music video is a product of that initiative, thorugh which famous artists were engaged in the production of a campaign theme song which was distributed to top TV stations in Malawi.

Under guidance from the Music Association of Malawi, the project conducted three regional music festivals that involved song, dance, and health talks. Following the music festivals, SSDI-Communication facilitated production of a music album that featured different famous Malawian artists who are familiar at both the distric and national level in Malawi. The CD was distributed to over 13 national and community radio stations, markets, and freelance DJs in rural and urban areas.

The dissemination of the songs through multiple channels increased the likelihood of them being heard in different gatherings and on various radio programs.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Medical Aid Films

Medical Aid Films aims to save the lives of vulnerable women and children in the developing world by providing innovative education and training through film.

The company produces resource-appropriate films to support skilled health worker training and community health education – used by over 1,300 organisation in 80 countries worldwide, and reaching more than 1 million people each year.

This web page lists all of the organization’s films.

Source: Medical Aid Films

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Multiple and Concurrent Partners

This 20 minute program tells of a couple with two children. The husband has multiple partners outside the marriage, and eventually the wife throws him out. He realizes that he wants to return to his wife, but his wise uncle counsels him to get tested for HIV before doing so. He finds out he is negative, but realizes what a close call he had.

Source: Soul City

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019