Family Planning Brochures

These brochures serve as a way of reinforcing information about family planning. They are distributed in Nigerian communities to remind community members of the benefits of birth spacing at all levels of society from the individual to the family and community level.

The brochures were designed to be state-specific with images that resonate with cultural and religious teachings in each state.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 2, 2021

Niger National Malaria Control Program Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaign Videos

These videos were produced by the Niger National Malaria Control Program to maintain the public’s awareness about malaria during the COVID-19 pandemic. The videos are in Hausa and Zarma.

Videos in Hausa

Videos in Zarma

Source: Niger National Malaria Control Program

Date of Publication: August 11, 2021

Lassa Fever Campaign, Nigeria

These materials were developed to create awareness on modes of transmission, symptoms and how to access care.



These 10 posters are available in English, Yoruba, Pidgin, Hausa and Igbo

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 15, 2021

Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite Campaign Overview – India

Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite (Don’t Take the Bite Lightly) is a national health education campaign to drive malaria prevention and treatment during COVID-19 in India.

This informational slide deck introduces the Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite campaign, including the challenge of COVID-19 and the objectives and future opportunities of the campaign.

For more information, visit:

Date of Publication: July 13, 2021

Assessing Current Practices and Behavioral Determinants of Health Outcomes among Women in Northwestern Nigeria

These infographics draw on data and a programmatic research brief from the first phase of a Breakthrough RESEARCH behavioral sentinel surveillance (BSS) survey that has been completed in northwestern Nigeria.

The BSS rigorously assessed current practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes over the lifespan of the Breakthrough ACTION integrated social and behavior change (SBC) project in Nigeria. Each of the sets of Breakthrough RESEARCH infographics map out three important factors for each of the following topics:

  • Improving women’s attendance of four or more antenatal visits during pregnancy
  • Increasing modern contraceptive use
  • Improving care seeking from a formal medical provider for children with fever

Each infographic focuses on data from one of three states in northwestern Nigeria, Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara, and are available in English and Hausa.

For more information contact Kathryn Spielman,

Source: Breakthrough RESEARCH/Population Council

Date of Publication: June 18, 2021

Smart Client and Smart Couple: Digital Health Tools to Empower Women and Couples for Family Planning

To prepare women and men for more effective FP decision-making communication before, during and after a counseling visit, under its global activities, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3), a project under the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) developed two “smart client” tools – one prioritizing women, and one prioritizing couples. The tools are mobile-phone, SMS- and interactive voice technology (IVR)- based and are designed to provide information and introduce practical skills to help women and their partners be informed, empowered and confident clients.

Both tools were pretested in Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire, and larger user studies were conducted with both tools in Kaduna, Nigeria to evaluate the effects of the tools. Participants in the user studies had very positive feedback about the content and their experience using the tools. Furthermore, both tools had a significant positive impact on users’ beliefs and intentions related to family planning.

The Smart Client and Smart Couple tools have been developed with the intention that they can be adopted and adapted by other FP projects seeking another channel for reaching their target audience.

The following tools and reports are available:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 13, 2020

Translators without Borders Glossary for COVID-19

Translators without Borders (TWB)is identifying key terminology that people use to talk about COVID-19 as well as commonly-used technical terms to develop a multilingual, plain-language glossary.

The glossary is designed to assist field workers and interpreters engaging with communities to raise awareness about COVID-19. It aims to improve communication between responders and affected communities by providing accurate translations of useful terminology related to the disease outbreak. In the coming weeks, we will keep adding new terms and additional languages to make this glossary far more widely relevant.

Last modified: July 21, 2020

Language: Arabic, Bangla, Bura-Pabir, Burmese, Chinese, English, French, Fulfulde, Hausa, Kibaku, Kurdish, Mandara, Marghi, Rohingya, Vietnamese, Waha

Wave 3- COVID-19 Spots

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria developed a third wave (Wave 3) of Radio spots for NCDC in support of the RCCE. These spots are themed on self isolation, staying at home and general prevention messages for religious practices and are available in 4 Nigerian local languages; Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba and English language.

For each language, there is a spot for 4 different scenarios:

  • The Barber
  • The Neighbor
  • The Christian friend
  • The Muslim friend

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Messages for Interactive Voice Response, Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria managers sent reminder messages to people who received referrals for health services (e.g., antenatal care, immunization, malaria testing).

A community volunteer issues referrals during a household visit or community event and asks the recipient if they are willing to opt in to the referral reminders and social and behavior change (SBC) messages. The person will then receive a recorded call asking if they have gone to the facility for their referral. The person responds by pressing a number on their telephone keypad. The person also receives recorded SBC messages on their phone. Users are always given the opportunity to opt out of receiving additional messages.

These are the finalized messages, which were pretested and revised, and the referral reminders.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria Wave 2- COVID-19 Spots

The second stream (Wave 2) audio spots as produced by Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria in support of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control’s Risk Communications response focused on preventive measures such as good hygiene and physical distancing as well as discouraging the sharing of fake news while promoting #Take Responsibility Campaign theme song.

The spots include:






Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020