Ebola Preparation and Response Scenario

This document was used in a workshop in West Africa, to help program managers learn how to develop preparedness and response plans for a potential Ebola outbreak. It includes an outbreak scenario and potential actions and responses by many parties to the outbreak.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Concept Testing Discussion Guide

This is a discussion guide to accompany the concept testing for a campaign in Tanzania.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community- Led Ebola Action Field Guide for Community Mobilisers

This Field Guide is a resource book for community mobilizers, field staff, and trainers to support planning, implementing and follow-up of Community-Led Ebola Action (CLEA) social mobilisation activities in Sierra Leone. It provides tools and ideas to empower communities to do their own analysis and take their own action to become Ebola-free.

The CLEA approach recognises that communities alone have the power to stop the spread of Ebola, through their collective decisions and actions. It is intended that community mobilisers using the guide be trained in its use as part of a comprehensive training covering all aspects of working in communities.

Source: Social Mobilisation Action Consortium

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Journey of Hope: A Practical Guide for Making Positive Life Choices – Haiti User’s Guide

This user’s guide is part of the Haiti Journey of Hope Kit – a set of practical experiential learning activities designed to address a range of HIV and AIDS related issues, in particular HIV prevention.

It guides participants to develop life skills that can help them deal with different situations, linked to staying healthy and achieving their goals and dreams in life. The Journey is represented by: a mass of water, where there are crocodiles, hippos, and snakes, representing dangers in life including the HIV virus and other STIs; narrow bridges and three boats, representing prevention methods of abstinence, faithfulness, and condom use; and future islands, representing what participants most want and value in life– their future goals and dreams.

The overall aims of Journey of Hope are to:

  1. Help people in Haiti stop the spread of HIV and have a healthy life
  2. Enable people to be in relationships they want, in a way that keeps them safe from HIV infection
  3. Give hope to people for a future that helps them choose to abstain, be faithful, or use condoms to prevent HIV infection.

To achieve the overall aims, Journey of Hope:

  • Promotes open discussions about sexual behavior and issues related to HIV and AIDS
  • Involves people in fun and interesting ways using participatory story telling with interactive visual aids and symbols
  • Provides the choice and helps participants to develop skills that empower them to protect themselves from HIV protection (abstinence, faithfulness, and condom use)
  • Encourages people to plot their own ways to a safer lifestyle to enable them to achieve outcomes they really want and value in life;
  • Applies a range of powerful and practical communication tools for behavior change
  • Enables people to develop skills in negotiating sexual matters in a relationship
  • Clarifies issues around Voluntary Counseling and Testing
  • Promotes support, compassion and positive living for those living with HIV and AIDS

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communicaiton Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Let’s Discuss

This is a manual for a kit which includes a CD, DVD and guide to support group discussion among Tanzanian youth and/or adults around HIV and AIDS.

Specifically, it focuses on issues related to adult-child communication, cross-generational sex, stigma and discrimination, and faithfulness. The kit provides a collection of songs, dramas, discussion questions, and participatory activities that encourage young people and adults to discuss HIV and AIDS and identify ways to protect themselves and their communities against infection. Although the guide can be used as a stand-alone tool, the materials from the larger kit are meant to make discussions more lively and entertaining. Each item in the kit is designed to promote personal reflection and group discussion on how to apply what is learned in the participants’ own lives.

This package or materials is meant to compliment existing life skills and group education interventions and can be integrated into new or ongoing activities. The kit covers the topics of: 1. alcohol misuse and risk-taking, 2. adult-child communication, 3. cross-generational sex, 4. stigma and discrimination, and 5. faithfulness.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, FHI 360, ICF International, WellShare International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malawi – Moyo ndi Mpamba Campaign Marriage Counseling for Newlyweds Training Manual

The Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign produced these materials for newlyweds. SSDI-Communication worked with the Ministry of Health and faith leaders to develop a booklet for young married couples (the Takunyadirani [“We Celebrate You”] booklet) containing messages on priority health topics especially relevant to couples who are about to be married or who are newly married: maternal and child health, nutrition, family planning, malaria in pregnancy, and HIV & AIDS. The project also developed a training for religious marriage counselors, and conducted trainings in six districts.

Trained counselors reached out to young married couples through counseling sessions, small-group church meetings, door-to-door visits, marriage outreach sessions, mock weddings, and sermons. The Takunyadirani booklet served as a guide for counseling sessions. SSDI-Communication trained over 1,450 marriage counselors in six districts, and distributed 14,000 Takunyadirani booklets to as many newlywed couples, representing over 90% coverage of all marriages that occurred in the catchment areas of trained counselors; these couples also benefitted from counseling sessions.

Learn here about the newlywed booklet.

In the Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni campaign, the SSDI-Communication supported the Ministry of Health in realizing its ambitious health promotion agenda by developing and running a multimedia, multi-level Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign, from 2011-2016. The ultimate goal of this campaign was to promote positive health behaviors and create demand for available services across six focus health areas – HIV & AIDS; family planning; nutrition; maternal, neonatal and child health; malaria; and water, sanitation and hygiene – and with audiences across the socio-ecological landscape and all targeted life stages.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

MCHW Job Aid on ‘How to Manage Third Stage Labor” and “a Guideline”

The Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP-I) was a six-year (2002-2007) bilateral activity of United States Agency for International Development, Nepal (USAID/N) with the Government of Nepal. Its overall goal was to support the Government’s long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-five mortality within the context of the National Health Policy and Second Long-Term Health Plan 1997-2017.

Under the Safe Motherhood Program activity of NFHP, JHU/CCP team provided assistance to National Health Training Center (NHTC) in developing a MCHW job aide on ‘How to manage the third stage labor’ which was pilot tested in 26 districts through key stakeholders. Based on the finding, it was further revised, a guideline was also developed on how to use the job aide effectively and disseminated to the Refresher trained MCHWs to support their utilization of the job aid for active management of third stage labor. The job aid was integrated by National Health Training Center (NHTC) into the refresher training for MCHWs.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community Outreach Broadcast Guide for Bilharzia Campaign, Uganda

This is a simple guide to outline the goals of the community outreach aspect of the Uganda Bilharzia Awareness Campaign, 2016-2017.

The guide states the objectives and content of the outreach campaign, and explains the Quiz Contest which was offered to the community members, including the questions and correct answers for the quiz.

Source: Ministry of Health, Uganda

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Messages for the Preparedness Phase Countries Neighboring Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea

This document provides guidelines for messaging during the period when the country is preparing its population for a possible outbreak of Ebola.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Methodology for Pretesting Rock Point (RP) 256 Comic Book

The Young Empowered and Healthy (Y.E.A.H) Initiative in Uganda was a multi-channel communication campaign by and for young people that combined mass media, person-to-person dialogue and community media to empower the young people adopt healthy life choices. Y.E.A.H produced comic books to reinforce the messages in the radio serial drama, which was called “RP 256. ” The objective of the pre-test was to establish whether volume 6 of the comic book conveyed messages that were complete, clear, understandable, acceptable, believable and convincing.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019