School Health Promotion Kit

This kit is designed to help school health professionals, club leaders and teachers design, implement and monitor health promotion activities within schools through engaging the health system. It includes relevant health issues for school health promotion, tips for supporting school clubs and engaging parents, and potential health promotion activities for schools.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Social Mobilization Toolkit

This toolkit is developed for Health Education Workers to help them engage with key community actors such as fathers/men, religious leaders, schools, and agricultural sector in their health promotion efforts. It is a reference kit for initiating discussion on relevant health topics with and among the different sectors, community members, and influencers.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Go Girls! Community Success Stories

Go Girls! was guided by a comprehensive, five stage research portfolio including a literature review, formative research, baseline survey, process evaluation, and endline survey.

These reports tell the story of Go Girls! activities in Botswana and Mozambique

Surveys carried out throughout the project found:

  • A positive association between girls’ participation in Go Girls! and HIV knowledge
  • Improvements in relationships between girls and their parents who participated in the Go Families! Adult-Child Communication activity
  • Improvements in the school environment in Go Girls! intervention schools
  • Increases in legal literacy among girls and adults who participated in Go Girls!

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 30, 2019

Doing Qualitative Field Research on Gender Norms with Adolescent Girls and their Families

Qualitative research is particularly valuable for understanding gender norms that affect adolescent girls, because it allows people’s own perspectives and voices to come through, and gives the researcher a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in studying gender norms. By listening to what girls, their families and community leaders say, researchers can explore how people perceive the norms that pattern lives, and how they are – or are not – changing. These insights can be invaluable in challenging received wisdom about how gender norms affect adolescent girls in particular contexts.

There is already a great deal of guidance available on the principles and ethics of conducting qualitative research with children and young people. This Research and Practice Note adds to this body of work by drawing out some key pointers to bear in mind when undertaking qualitative research on gender norms with adolescent girls. It describes a step-by-step process for using four innovative or visual tools based on experience researching the impact of gender norms on adolescent girls in Nepal, Uganda and Viet Nam. It reflects on field experience of framing questions around social and gender norms, and links to the tools used throughout.

The four tools are:

  1. Group discussions (focusing on community mapping, body mapping, community timeline)
  2. Intergenerational trios
  3. Marital networks
  4. Outlier case studies

Source: Overseas Development Institute

Date of Publication: June 24, 2019

Malaria in Pregnancy Resource Package

This resource package provides tools including training resources, programming resources, and reference materials to help implement programs that will reduce malaria in pregnancy and provide effective treatment for pregnant women with malaria. It includes job aids for clinical trainers and health care providers to help them provide correct information for clients and their families about malaria in pregnancy. The Package is aimed at policymakers, public health professionals, and managers. The Focused Antenatal Care job aid provides an overview of what providers should do at each of four scheduled antenatal care visits, and information to help the client as she prepares for the birth. The Malaria during Pregnancy job aid includes important facts about malaria, and preventing malaria in pregnancy through intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide-treated nets. Also included in the package are examples of job aids from Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Tanzania.


Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Adolescents’ HIV Prevention and Treatment Literacy Toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa

This is a set of materials for working with adolescents.

The purposes of the toolkit are:

  • Create open advocacy spaces for adolescent HIV prevention and treatment issues
  • Strengthen the capacity of the key custodians of adolescent education systems and structures at community level (teachers and school staff, counsellors, service providers) to further engage adolescents and their circles of care
  • Scale-up availability of and access to information on adolescent HIV prevention and treatment at the local level

The tookit consists of:

  • Facilitator’s guide
  • Reference materials
  • Workbook for ages 10-12
  • Workbook for ages 13-15
  • Workbook for ages 16-19
  • Quiz cards
  • Personal responsiblity list
  • Teacher’s guide

Source: SafAIDS

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Capacity Assessment Tool

The Capacity Assessment Tool is used to evaluate the Social Behavior Change Communication and Knowledge Management skills and abilities of SBCC professionals. It is used for planning future capacity strengthening activities, and dicovering where, within an organization, an area of skill needs development.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

GREAT Scalable Toolkit

The Gender Roles, Equality and Transformations (GREAT) Project works to improve gender equity and reproductive health in Northern Uganda. GREAT uses radio drama, community mobilization, and small group discussions to promote dialogue and reflection among adolescents, with the goal of facilitating the formation of gender equitable norms and the adoption of attitudes and behaviors which may positively influence health outcomes among boys and girls, aged ten to 29.

This toolkit was developed as the centerpiece of the project and includes the following materials for use with small groups: activity cards, fact cards, flipbooks, game instructions and question cards, and discussion guides to accompany a year-long radio serial drama. (Scripts, recordings and development process description are available upon request.) The materials and activities are tailored to the lifecourse and designed to be scalable. The materials were also produced in local languages (Luo and Acholi).

Source: The Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, Pathfinder International, and Save the Children, with USAID funding (Mango Tree was local production house)

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community Mobilisation Toolkits and Fact Sheet

These toolkits were produced and used as part of the Moyo ndi Mpbamba project in Malawi to guide the community mobilization process in target districts. The community mobilization strategy is considered “Toolkit 1,” attached to this page are Tookits 2-5 as well as a fact sheet describing the community mobilization effort.

This project used Community Action Committees, or CACs, to mobilize communities to address six Essential Health Package (EHP) areas—malaria; nutrition; MNCH; family planning; HIV/AIDS and TB; and water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019