Bhanchhin Aama Radio Program Design Document Phase-II

After completion of Phase-I radio program, Phase-II radio design document workshop was organized in January 2014, Phase-II design document serves as the roadmap for a workshop wherein writers, producers, implementers, monitors and evaluators clarified the objectives and messages for every episode of a 39-episode radio program focusing on nutrition, sanitation and agriculture issues.

The workshop was attended by 43 participants. Attendees included mother-in-laws, mothers with under two years of age children, fathers, FCHVs, community mobilizers and local NGO staff from various Suaahara districts. Other participants included representatives from the Suaahara WASH, AG, Nutrition, Health Services Promotion, GESI teams, members of production houses, professional script writers, and a government representative from WASH.

During the workshop, it was decided that the radio programs would be developed in three languages to match the local contexts across the project districts.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Aiisseee! (I Say!) Game Show Concept Note

Aiisseee! (“I Say!”) is a television and radio-based game show designed to improve couple communication and promote couple connectedness by giving contestants and listeners the chance to discuss serious relationship issues in a humorous way. In these programs, couples answer questions to see how well they know their partners. The programs are a project of the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP).

The show acts as a platform for conversations about HIV prevention, maternal and child health, and family planning, using a subtle yet provocative approach to create a comfortable forum for addressing hard-to-discuss issues in a non-confrontational way.

This concept note was developed as part of the design stage of the campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Aiisseee! (I Say!) Game Show Health Topics and Communication Objectives

Aiisseee! (“I Say!”) is a television and radio-based game show designed to improve couple communication and promote couple connectedness by giving contestants and listeners the chance to discuss serious relationship issues in a humorous way. In these programs, couples answer questions to see how well they know their partners. The programs are a project of the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP).

The show acts as a platform for conversations about HIV prevention, maternal and child health, and family planning, using a subtle yet provocative approach to create a comfortable forum for addressing hard-to-discuss issues in a non-confrontational way.

This chart was used in the design process, to lay out the program’s health topics and each topic’s communication objectives.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Club Risky Business TV Series Concept Note

This is concept note about Club Risky Business, a multimedia campaign in Zambia focusing on concurrent sexual partnerships. The concept note was prepared by a media company helping with the production of the show.

The note describes a 26 episode series focusing on promoting positive health-seeking behavior among the general population. The proposed series package will include 45-minute episodes with the initial season being 26 episodes and subsequent seasons being 13 episodes each. Packaged with the series are Public Service Announcements (PSA) on various health issues. Each episode or series of episodes will highlight a health concern like malaria and focus on the behavior change objective required to prevent that particular health problem. The series is targeted at the general public (young people, men and women, policy makers, professionals and opinion leaders). The intention of this series is to make the audience aware of various issues surrounding health and wellness by showing how an individual, family and the community are impacted by various and specific health issues and the contributing and/or surrounding dynamics that affect them.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Media 365

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community Outreach Broadcast Guide for Bilharzia Campaign, Uganda

This is a simple guide to outline the goals of the community outreach aspect of the Uganda Bilharzia Awareness Campaign, 2016-2017.

The guide states the objectives and content of the outreach campaign, and explains the Quiz Contest which was offered to the community members, including the questions and correct answers for the quiz.

Source: Ministry of Health, Uganda

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Concept Paper for Community Radio Talk Show, Bilharzia Campaign, Uganda

This concept paper describes planned activities as part of a campaign to spread awareness of Bilharzia in Uganda. Starting in August 2017, live radio talk shows with health experts were broadcast on 24 radio stations that reached 43 Bilharzia highly endemic districts. Each of the 24 radio stations that aired health talks shows also held a community outreach activity in the areas surrounding the radio station.

The objectives of the outreach activities were to:

  • Provide listeners an opportunity to learn more about Bilharzia and engage with the health experts on prevention and control practices within their social context.
  • Provide listeners with information on service locations and alternative prevention practices they can adopt.
  • Give listeners an opportunity to directly interface with the radio presenters and health experts of the Bilharzia radio call in talk shows
  • Provide the campaign target audience an additional opportunity for further interaction
  • Give the audience an opportunity to share their experiences, intended actions following the Bilharzia awareness campaign and commit to personal and community actions.

A Bilharzia quiz was also part of the outreach activities.

Source: Ministry of Heath, Uganda

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

CSP Creative Meeting Programme Agenda

This is an example of a creative meeting agenda. The agenda includes welcome, background, developing the creative brief and creative concepts, and developing the campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Good Times Condom Positioning Statement

This positioning statement summarizes how Good Time condoms are unique among other brands in the category in their ability to meet a young man (Thabo’s) key functional and emotional needs: “For Thabo, the different colors and textures of ‘Good Time’ condoms allow him to have fun and enjoy sex worry-free.”

Source: Popuation Services International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HIV Care and Treatment Campaign Concept Note

This concept note lays out the communication strategy for Tanzania’s national HIV care and treatment campaign.

The concept note was developed by the HIV Treatment Campaign Task Force Team, which was led by the National AIDS Control Program with the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP) as Secretariat, and several partners and stakeholders as members. The concept note gives the background and rationale for the initiative, and outlines the vision, campaign goal, target audience, communication objectives, theoretical framework, behavioral determinants, communication channels, key message content, tone, geographical coverage, illustrative monitoring and evaluation plan, and the projected timeline.

This concept note resulted in the Tunakuthamini (We value you) campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Moyo ndi Mpamba Radio Serial Drama Design Document

This radio drama, part of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campaign in Malawi, was designed to inspire behavior change on priority health issues among adolescent and adult Malawians through interactive radio programming. The drama unfolded over 52 episodes, aired during 12-month period from July 2014 to June 2015. Each episode included questions for audience members, who were encouraged to respond via SMS or on Facebook.

The drama had three main plotlines:

  • A young married couple, Richi and Nasilina, struggle as Richi maintains his relationship with his old girlfriend Esmie
  • Ndaziona, a 16-year-old girl, has a terrible secret that she is hiding from her mother and two brothers
  • Mrs. Nabetha Gama, a very religious woman married to a very traditional man who strongly believes in traditional healers and superstitions

Learn more about the episodes here.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019