SBCC Strategy and Implementation Guide [Guatemala]

This guide and strategy was designed for the Western Highlands of Guatemala provides a general framework for communication that supports the implementation of the SBCC Strategy (implemented in 2011) by the Ministries of Health and Education, which encompasses nutrition, family planning, maternal and child health, and HIV. The Implementation Guide aims to facilitate systematic coordination of the Strategy at all levels by SBCC planners and the integration of health interventions using the life stage approach in homes and communities (young parents, mature families, children 6-13, and adolescents) as an organizing principle.

The overall purpose of the Implementation Guide is to ensure the coordination and synergy of SBCC in nutrition, maternal and child health, family planning, and HIV, ensuring that interventions are consistent and define a common measure of success. A convergence approach integrates USAID/Health and Education Office’s key health areas–nutrition, maternal child health, reproductive health, HIV–as they apply to people in each lifestage. The convergence approach is based on three principles–that the families and communities are the drivers of their health; that the SBCC strategy addresses environmental and structural issues, and that the systems in place to support healthy outcomes are strengthened. The implementation guide was extensively field tested by C-Change and is used in 30 municipalities in the Guatemalan Highlands.

The English and Spanish versions of the Strategy and Implementation Guide are combined in the PDF attached.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Risk Communication and Community Engagement Preparedness and Readiness Framework: Ebola Response in the Democratic Republic of Congo in North Kivu

The goal of this framework is to provide an overview of how Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) resources and activities need to be prepared for across different response pillars among provinces and countries neighbouring North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.

The purpose of proactively carrying out RCCE activities along with other activities essential for an Ebola outbreak response is to reduce deaths and illness caused by Ebola virus disease (EVD) and minimize disruption to daily lives of local communities. This is achieved through systematic gathering of informed social science knowledge to inform the response and active engagement with key stakeholders including community influencers, health care workers, and local communities.

It is intended to be used to guide RCCE work which is central to stopping the outbreak and preventing its further amplification. Unlike other areas of response, RCCE draws heavily on volunteers, frontline personnel and on people without prior training in this area. As such, the document provides basic background information, scopes the socio-economic and cultural aspects (that are known at the time of publication), and provides the latest evidence-based advice and approaches.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Resources for Community-based IYCF Support Groups

Alive &Thrive is an initiative in Vietnam aimed at improving infant and young child feeding by increasing rates of exclusive breastfeeding and improving complementary feeding practices.

This catalog includes links to training manuals, job aids, and general information resources. These materials were developed in Viet Nam to improve the quality of counseling on infant and young child feeding through three types of support groups.

Source: Alive &Thrive

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Adolescent Job Aid

The Adolescent Job Aid is a handy desk reference tool for health workers (trained and registered doctors, nurses and clinical officers) who provide services to children, adolescents and adults. It aims to help these health workers respond to their adolescent patients more effectively and with greater sensitivity. It provides precise, step-by-step guidance on how to deal with adolescents when they present with a problem or a concern about their health or development.

It comprises three main parts:

  • Part 1: The clinical interaction between the adolescent and the health worker
  • Part 2: Algorithms, communication tips and frequently asked questions on 25 presentations related to developmental conditions, pregnancy-related conditions, genital conditions including sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other common presentations
  • Part 3: Information for adolescents and their parents or other accompanying adults on important health and development issues

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Plague Testing: What to Do if You Find a Wild Rodent Carcass

This tutorial explains the procedure for reporting, properly collecting, and submitting a wild rodent carcass to the California Department of Public Health Vector-Borne Disease Laboratory for plague testing.

Source: California Department of Public Health

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

The Peer-Approach for Working with Young Married Couples

This document explains the rationale, programming, and results of a project in Bangladesh to reach young married couples with BCC messages on reproductive health and family planning. In the program, married young women were peers who acted as agents of change in their communities to increase the use of long acting (LA) FP methods.

This 18-month pilot program was implemented in five upazilas and was aimed at bringing positive changes in increasing the use of long acting LA methods. The main channel for BCC was the peers (young married couples), which was proved to be effective and contributed significantly to raise FP practice. The model program showed that the targeted BCC intervention through peers was able to increase knowledge of the young married couples on FP, particularly LA/PM. As a result of the success of the intervention, the DGFP requested that it be scaled up and they plan to initiate further scale-up through their OP.

Source: Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP)

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community HIV Prevention Dialogue Guide for Change Agents

The purpose of this guide is to facilitate effective and guided community discussion on the issues of cultural and traditional practices that contribute to the spread of HIV in the community, and to help Change Agents in the community to carry out prevention activities in ways that incorporate appropriate and culturally sensitive messages to achieve project objectives.

The guide includes sections on planning the dialogue, dialogue methodologies, and skills needed to carry out guided community discussion.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Adobe Corporate Brand Guidlines

This resource is an example of a brand style guide. It shows how a product can maintain its identity through guidelines on how, where, and when to use the logo; color specifications; image use; typography; and other executional elements.

A brand style guide helps ensure the consistent application of all of the executional elements throughout all communication outputs. Everyone who creates communication materials for the brand should use the brand style guide as a reference document.

Source: Adobe

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Suaahara Bhanchhin Aama Activities Integration Guide

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Suaahara was implemented by a consortium of partner organizations led by Save the Children.

Suaahara developed and implemented the integrated Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother knows best”) cohesive platform which linked varied messages and reinforced recommended actions through a wide array of channels including mass media (radio programs, radio spots and billboards), print, and social mobilization.

Suaahara developed this Guide to help integrate activities at individual, household and community level through the Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother says”) integration campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Bamboo Shoots. A Training Manual on Child-Centred Community Development /Child-led Community Actions for Facilitators Working with Children and Youth Groups

This manual is intended to open opportunities for children to learn about their own rights and discover their potential. It is expected that once the children acquire this knowledge, it will help them gain dignity. The manual contains a body of knowledge on rights-based programming and tools and techniques that are deeply rooted in international human rights and child rights principles.

The emphasis of the training is on practical actions that children will come up with following identification of the child rights violations – it therefore creates a platform for them to recognize and address issues affecting them directly. Children are the main actors in their own development, not just on the receiving end of development. Children can critically analyze their situation, including the factors that facilitate or hinder their development. Child-led actions can stimulate duty bearers in their responsibility to protect, fulfill and respect the rights of children.

Source: PLAN International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019