Breakthrough ACTION Sénégal Matériel de campagne Une Seule Santé/ PZD Imprimé

Une série de fiches d’information et d’affiches de deux pages traitant de la grippe aviaire, d’Ebola, de la rage, de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift, de la tuberculose bovine, de l’anthrax, du lavage des mains après avoir manipulé des animaux et de la manipulation sûre des animaux.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 28, 2022

Private Sector Malaria Prevention Ghana (PSMP)

Private Sector Malaria Preventon Ghana (PSMP) is a three-year project funded by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) and operated by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP). The purpose of the PSMP is to catalyze private sector engagement in malaria control, in particular in the supply and distribution of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN).

The goal of the Ghana-based Private Sector Malaria Prevention project was to get bed nets on the shelves in the country’s shops and markets. The project also tried to get the private sector to provide bed nets to their employees, pitching employers on the cost-effectiveness – fewer sick days, higher productivity – of keeping workers safe from malaria.

Malaria Safe, led by PSMP, is an initiative designed to help businesses tackle malaria as a health issue in the workplace, as well as in surrounding communities. The ultimate goal is to build a network of active companies benefiting from protecting employees and communities through Malaria Safe actions that lead to malaria-free businesses. These actions are categorized into four pillars: protection, education, visibility, and championing. The Malaria Safe Guide was developed based on best practices, resources, and experiences from government and technical experts in malaria, and businesses operating in malaria endemic African countries that are successful in their fight against malaria.

Materials from the project, reports, and case studies:

Catalyzing the Commercial Market for LLINs in Ghana: End-line Market Analysis, 2019
Malaria Safe Guide

More Ghana Country projects here

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 15, 2021

International COVID-19 Campaigns

World Health Organization and FIFA

Date of Publication: June 29, 2021

India Fights COVID

This website is a collaborative initiative that houses content and creative materials, related to COVID-19, curated by an editorial team. This content is in English, Hindi and other regional languages, and formats include images, GIFs, Videos etc.

Users can browse via topics: :

Source: India Fights COVID

Date of Publication: May 19, 2021

HHS COVID-19 Public Education Campaign

This is a description of a public campaign to encourage Americans to maintain protective practices and, eventually, to be vaccinated for COVID-19.

The campaign goals are:

  • Increase vaccine acceptance while reinforcing basic prevention measures (e.g., mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing)
  • Support activities related to COVID- 19 clinical trial enrollment, plasma donation, and flu vaccination
  • Connect the public with government information about COVID-19

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services

Date of Publication: December 15, 2020

New WHO Campaign to Help COVID-era Quitters Kick the Habit

The UN World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, announced the start of a year-long global campaign to help people quit tobacco, with millions citing the threat of COVID-19 as a new incentive to give up the habit.

Tobacco kills up to half of its users, claiming more than 8 million lives each year. Over 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke, according to WHO.

Smoking is also a known risk factor for many respiratory illnesses, and smokers are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes – making them particularly vulnerable to severe COVID-19.

WHO’s “Commit to Quit” campaign will advocate for stronger national policies, increasing access to cessation services, raising awareness of tobacco industry tactics, and empowering tobacco users to make successful attempts through “quit and win” initiatives.

In one of its first campaign initiatives, the UN health agency rolled out the “WHO Quit Challenge” on the messaging service WhatsApp, and a list of “more than 100 reasons to quit tobacco“.

The campaign will focus on twenty-two high-burden countries, where the majority of the world’s tobacco users live.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: December 11, 2020

Support for Service Delivery Integration (SSDI) Malawi

In 2011, USAID Malawi awarded the five year, US $100 million Support for Service DeliveryIntegration (SSDI) Project, consisting of three separate, but interrelated Cooperative Agreements:

  • SSDI-Services
  • SSDI-Systems
  • SSDI-Communication

SSDI Services works withthe Government to achieve improved service delivery; SSDI Systems to improve policies, management and leadership; and SSDI Communication to support social and behavior change communication (SBCC).

SSDI-Communication was implemented by JHU/CCP in collaboration with Save the Children. SSDI-Communication developed and disseminated behavior change communication materials on 6six priority health areas- family planning and reproductive health, malaria, HIV/AIDS, maternal, neonatal and child health, nutrition, and WASH, all under the Moyo ndi Mpamba (Life is Precious) campaign.

SSDI supported the Government of Malawi to achieve its vision of improving the health status of all Malawians. The goal of SSDI is to support, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, effective integration and delivery of quality services under the Expanded Health Promotion (EHP) initiative, and to strengthen the national health system in line with the HSSPII.

The EHP promotes the provision of a basic, cost-effective package of promotive, preventive,curative and rehabilitative health services determined on the basis of scientific and practicalexperience in service delivery and its ability to have a significant impact on the health statusof the majority of people in Malawi.SSDI was guided by the principles of country ownership and leadership, integration for greater efficiency, and building on existing systems and past achievements. SSDI focuses on a comprehensive program of support in 15 districts (Nsanje, Phalombe, Chikhwawa, Machinga,Mangochi, Mulanje, Balaka, Zomba, Salima, Nkhotakota, Dowa, Kasungu, Lilongwe, Chitipaand Karonga) located in each of the country’s five health zones. This five-year project (October1, 2011-September 30, 2016) has the central theme,‘Together we build healthy families’.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 8, 2020