Malnutrition and Gender Equality in India

This video describes the story of nine-month-old twins Devki and Rahul who were brought by their mother to the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre in Kolaras, located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Rahul was a normal weight and size for his age, yet his sister Devki weighed just over half of what she should have. Devki’s condition was the result of severe malnutrition. Both babies showed such varied weight and health that doctors suspected less food was given to Devki, a common occurrence in some areas of India where boys are often given more attention than girls.

According to a UNICEF report, half of the world’s undernourished children live in South Asia. In India, 30 per cent of children are born with low birth weight and almost 50 per cent remain underweight by the age of three. One of the Millennium Development Goals is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015, which would mean halving the proportion of children who are underweight for their age. UNICEF has warned that the world is not on track to meet that goal.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Meena Comic Books and Videos

Meena is a cartoon character from South Asia, a spirited, nine-year-old girl who braves the world – whether in her efforts to go to school or in fighting the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS in her village. Meena is widely recognised and appreciated in most South Asian countries, and is a successful advocacy and teaching tool for girls’ and children’s rights. The Meena figure has achieved popularity as she tackles the key issues affecting children, and the threats to the rights of millions of girls in South Asia.

UNICEF developed the Meena Communication Initiative (MCI) and it was launched in September 1998 as a mass communication project aimed at changing perceptions and behaviour that hamper the survival, protection and development of girls in South Asia. The stories revolve around the adventures of Meena, her brother Raju, her pet parrot Mithu, and members of her family and village community, and cover issues such as education, health, gender equity, freedom from exploitation and abuse.

The Meena Communication Package consists of:

• Comic books

• Animated films

• Posters

• Discussion and teachers’ guides

• Radio series (produced in collaboration with BBC world service)

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

No Time to Lose: Child Marriage

This video outlines the multitude of problems created by the phenomenon of child marriage, inclduing those that affect their health, education, and economic status.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Transforming Immunization Dialogue

This video is part of a package of materials, including other short videos, for health workers, called Interpersonal Communication for Immunization.

The videos illustrate interpersonal communication-based challenges and solutions to improving immunization coverage and are intended to be used as job aids to support frontline health workers as they address barriers to immunization in their communities.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Transform/PHARE: Adapting Innovative Techniques for SBC in FP/RH

The Transform/PHARE project developed innovative approaches to enhance health-related behavior change programming and family planning outcomes by adapting novel techniques from marketing, advertising, human-centered design, and behavioral economics.

This five-year cooperative agreement was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and led by Population Services International in partnership with Camber Collective, IDEO, and YLabs. This video illustrates a few of the innovative interventions that were developed as part of the project.

Source: Population Services International

Date of Publication: September 14, 2021

Keep It Simple: A Lesson in Linking Teens to Sexual Health Care – Video and Lesson Plan

This is a brief 45 minute lesson plan designed to help link young men and women, ages 15-19, to trusted, “teen friendly” contraceptive and reproductive healthcare providers.

It reasons why adolescents don’t typically access services that include: gaps in knowledge about their right to care, services and contraceptive methods available to them, and the location of healthcare providers that can meet their unique needs in the community. The module was developed “for teens by teens” and includes a short motion graphic that can be shared online as a stand-alone product to facilitate greater access, improve awareness of birth control methods available to teens, and promote linkage to care.

The video can be seen at

Source: Healty Teen Network

Date of Publication: August 16, 2021

Kids against Malaria Videos

Kids Against Malaria uses music and film to reach out to the global population at risk from malaria. The project was inspired by a song written with students at the International Center of Art and Music at Ouidah (CIAMO) of Art & Music in Benin.

The song, a triumphant call to defeat malaria, motivated CIAMO cofounder Sarah duPont and filmmaker/musician Jon Fine to engage UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and 3 time Grammy winner Angélique Kidjo in the project. Together, they conceived a transmedia project for radio, TV and online to amplify the message of the song.

Kids Against Malaria was designed to cover a wide range of information about how malaria is transmitted and how to ensure protection. More than 50 people were involved in creating the project and over 100 students participated from CIAMO school of Art and music. Renowned musicians including CIAMO’s executive director Oscar Kidjo, Antibalas, Logozo, Gangbe Brass Band and filmmakers from the ISMA Film Program in Benin joined in alongside Kidjo and the students to make it a success.

Source: Kids Against Malaria

Date of Publication: August 16, 2021

4Play Sex Tips for Girls [TV Series]

4Play: Sex Tips for Girls is a South African television drama series produced by Quizzical Pictures. The drama delivers HIV/AIDS prevention messages as it deals with the realities of life for four thirty-something South African women living in Johannesburg and how they go about finding love, sex and relationships. It focuses on the hair and beauty salon of single mother and entrepreneur Noma and her girlfriends Nox, Danny, and Amira.

Each of the women has her own unique approach to love, sex and surviving in the city. Using world class actors, director, and writers, this award winning series was designed to “break through AIDS messaging fatigue” to deliver vital health messages via the medium of entertainment. The series was written and directed by women for women.

In 2011, the drama garnered seven South African Film and Television Award (SAFTA) nominations – the highest number for any television drama in that year’s awards.

Source: Johns Hopkins Health and Education South Africa (JHHESA)

Date of Publication: August 11, 2021

Niger National Malaria Control Program Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaign Videos

These videos were produced by the Niger National Malaria Control Program to maintain the public’s awareness about malaria during the COVID-19 pandemic. The videos are in Hausa and Zarma.

Videos in Hausa

Videos in Zarma

Source: Niger National Malaria Control Program

Date of Publication: August 11, 2021