A Guide to Vaccinations for COVID-19

The guide explains how vaccines work and answers your common questions as well as providing up-to-date information on the current approved COVID-19 vaccinations in the UK.

Source: British Society for Immunology

Date of Publication: February 14, 2021

Ghana U=U Job Aids

These tools were created to support providers, peer educators, and other program staff to integrate U=U messages into their outreach activities with female sex workers (FSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM). The tools include a flipchart and informational booklet and are complemented by client-facing materials for each audience.

Source: FHI360

Date of Publication: January 26, 2021

Malaria Safe Guide

This guide is intended as resource to help businesses in Ghana protect employees from malaria.

The ultimate goal of Malaria Safe is to build a partnership of active companies that are benefiting from protecting employees and communities through Malaria Safe actions, sharing their success stories and championing the malaria cause.

This guide was developed based on the best practices, resources, and experiences from a variety of successful companies of all sizes in Sub-Saharan Africa that have been committed to the fight against malaria. Malaria Safe actions are actions that lead to a future free of malaria.

These actions are categorized into four pillars:

  • Protection
  • Education
  • Visibility
  • Championing

Distributing LLINs and providing LLIN education to employees and company health workers are Malaria Safe actions from the protection and education pillars. PSMP’s Malaria Safe initiative offers information, educational seminars, promotional and networking opportunities, and contacts and support for LLIN procurement for decision makers in the private sector. For more information, please visit www.malaria-safe.org

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UKAID

Date of Publication: December 30, 2020

PSMP Brochure for Employers

This brochure is a product of the Private Sector Malaria Prevention (PSMP) project. PSMP is a three-year pilot program (2016-2019) intended to facilitate a functioning supply chain and competitive market for long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Ghana.

The brochure introduces employers to the concept of malaria prevention in the workplace. It states that malaria prevention is a concept easily justied to corporate boards, as investments in malaria prevention have consistently offered rapid rates of return for businesses through reduced absenteeism, reduced costs for company-operated health facilities, and increased employee productivity. It also suggests how the employer can take part in the PSMP program.

The brochure also lists the following:

3 Focal Areas:

  • Retail Supply Chain and Demand Creation: Facilitate expansion of the commercial sector’s distribution of LLINs in urban retail markets.
  • Workplace Programs: Accelerate employer efforts to protect employees and communities from malaria.
  • Advocacy: Raise the profile and commitment by the private sector in malaria control.

Speciifc Objectives of PSMP:

  • Increase the number of retail outlets stocking LLINs;
  • Increase the demand for specialty LLINs sold in retail stores;
  • Increase the number of LLINs distributed/sold to households through commercial outlet sources;
  • Increase the number of employers distributing LLINs through their workplace programs;
  • Increase monetary value of non-public sector sources of LLINs for malaria prevention.

Source: UKAID, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 30, 2020

PSMP Brochure for Manufacturers and Distributors

This brochure is a product of the Private Sector Malaria Prevention (PSMP) project. PSMP is a three-year pilot program (2016–2019) intended to facilitate a functioning supply chain and competitive market for long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Ghana.

The brochure introduces PSMP by stating to private manufacturers and distributots that PSMP “wants to work with YOU—LLIN manufacturers and distributors to build a more dynamic and sustainable market for LLINs in Ghana.

The brochure also lists the following:

3 Focal Areas:

  • Retail Supply Chain and Demand Creation: Facilitate expansion of the commercial sector’s distribution of LLINs in urban retail markets.
  • Workplace Programs: Accelerate employer efforts to protect employees and communities from malaria.
  • Advocacy: Raise the profile and commitment by the private sector in malaria control.

Speciifc Objectives of PSMP:

  • Increase the number of retail outlets stocking LLINs;
  • Increase the demand for specialty LLINs sold in retail stores;
  • Increase the number of LLINs distributed/sold to households through commercial outlet sources;
  • Increase the number of employers distributing LLINs through their workplace programs;
  • Increase monetary value of non-public sector sources of LLINs for malaria prevention.

Source: UKAID, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 30, 2020

Buku Tanya Jawab Seputar Virus Corona

This book contains frequenty asked questions related with COVID-19.

This campaign includes radio spots, video spots, infographics, and a Question and Answer booklet.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 22, 2020

Confiance Totale Leaflets

In 2020, Breakthrough ACTION created the Confiance Totale brand and logo to generate trust in and demand for FP methods and services among women of reproductive age in ILN catchment areas.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, WABA developed several Confiance Totale materials in collaboration with service delivery partner Amplify-FP and Ministries of Health. The campaign materials include IUD, injectable, oral contraceptive pill, implant, Standard Days, emergency contraception, and all-methods leaflets and two radio public service announcements (PSAs) in French and local languages that promote having confidence in the safety and efficacy of FP and in health centers and healthcare providers.

The leaflets are linked below:

Burkina FasoNigerCôte d’IvoireTogo
All MethodsAll MethodsAll MethodsAll Methods

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 28, 2020