Bilharzia Campaign Radio Show Guide

This document outlines and provides guidelines for a central element of the Bilharzia Media Campaign in Uganda, 2016-2017 – a series of radio call-in talk shows featuring Bilharzia experts. The talk shows were reinforced with DJ mentions, radio spots, a jingle, and a series of short radio skits in 9 languages. The broadcast stations of broadcast were carefully selected to reach 47 districts where Bilharzia was most prevalent plus Kampala, where Bilharzia is less common but still an issue, particularly among communities on the lake.

Primary audiences were men and women between 20 and 45 years of age and their school age children living in areas where Bilharzia is particularly prevalent, as well as health workers, teachers and leaders in areas where Bilharzia is particularly prevalent.

The objectives of the programs were to:

  • To increase awareness about Bilharzia and how to prevent it.
  • To increase the audience’s perceptions of risk for Bilharzia.
  • To encourage listeners to adopt practices that reduce their risk of Bilharzia and it’s consequences.

The programs achieved the following goals:

  1. Provided information to listeners about Bilharzia—what it is, it’s consequences, and how to prevent it.
  2. Provided information to listeners about realistic, practical actions they can take to prevent Bilharzia and minimize its consequences.
  3. Promoted use of latrines or toilets and never defecating or urinating near or in a body of water.
  4. Encouraged listeners to take advantage of the MOH’s free distribution of Bilharzia medicine every year to prevent serious consequences of Bilharzia.

Source: Ministry of Health, Uganda

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Bridges of Hope Facilitator’s Guide

This is a training program for service providers and communication professionals working in Ebola-affected countries.

By the end of the training, participatants will:

  • Be motivated to act in ways that help their community to become and remain healthy and Ebola-free
  • Understand how Ebola is transmitted and how to minimize the risk of transmission
  • Be able to identify symptoms that may indicate Ebola infection
  • Understand what they can safely do to support someone who has Ebola symptoms to improve the person’s chances of survival
  • Know what to do to ensure a safe burial if someone dies of Ebola
  • Welcome and support Ebola survivors, recognizing that they pose no threat and, in fact, have a valuable role to play in helping to prevent and treat Ebola cases in their community
  • Support and not sitgmatize those who have lost family members to Ebola

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Caring for Those with HIV Learning Package

This learning package is designed for use in training of health care workers at all levels.

The aim is to:

  • Provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to safely care for all patients without transmitting infection to themselves or others
  • Provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively provide high-quality care for clients with HIV and AIDS
  • Influence in a positive way participants’ attitudes and behaviors when caring for clients with HIV and AIDS
  • Provide participants with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and their families from HIV infection


Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community Health Worker Training Materials for Cholera Prevention and Control in Haiti

This training manual for cholera prevention and control is intended for community health workers (CHWs) to help their communities prevent cholera illnesses and deaths.

Its 13 modules provide information about community mobilization, cholera, taking care of people with watery diarrhea, handwashing, oral rehydration solution (ORS), safe drinking water (Aquatabs, Dlo Lavi, Gadyen Dlo, and PuR) preparation and storage, food preparation, sanitation and cleaning, handling a death that occurs at home, and preventing stigma associated with cholera. Community education cards, a guide for the cholera training modules, and PowerPoint presentations are also included. Though this manual is specific to Haiti, an English-language worldwide version can also be found at the CDC’s Training & Education page, under CDC Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Materials.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community HIV Prevention Dialogue Guide for Change Agents

The purpose of this guide is to facilitate effective and guided community discussion on the issues of cultural and traditional practices that contribute to the spread of HIV in the community, and to help Change Agents in the community to carry out prevention activities in ways that incorporate appropriate and culturally sensitive messages to achieve project objectives.

The guide includes sections on planning the dialogue, dialogue methodologies, and skills needed to carry out guided community discussion.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community Mobilisation Toolkits and Fact Sheet

These toolkits were produced and used as part of the Moyo ndi Mpbamba project in Malawi to guide the community mobilization process in target districts. The community mobilization strategy is considered “Toolkit 1,” attached to this page are Tookits 2-5 as well as a fact sheet describing the community mobilization effort.

This project used Community Action Committees, or CACs, to mobilize communities to address six Essential Health Package (EHP) areas—malaria; nutrition; MNCH; family planning; HIV/AIDS and TB; and water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Continuous Distribution Toolkit

This online toolkit combines current guidance and tools that can support planners and managers of continuous Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITN) distribution programs. A practical guide to planning and management, it also ensures that all currently available resources that support the planning, management, and implementation processes are easily accessible.

This toolkit can support planners and managers of continuous ITN distribution programs. In most cases, they will be the same people who plan and manage ITN distribution strategies overall; this is important because continuous ITN distribution should not take place in a vacuum, but rather should be part of an overall strategy to increase and maintain universal access with ITNs for populations at risk of malaria. Other tools support planning and management of ITN campaign distributions; for example, the Alliance for Malaria Prevention, and the partners’ toolkit for mass campaign distribution can be found at

This guide contains information and resources in many different formats, which will ensure that the needs of each toolkit user can be met in the most efficient way.

The toolkit is comprised of the following sections:

  • Background provides information on the overview of the overall ITN strategy planning and to CD, international recommendations, and guidance; it also includes brief descriptions of the range of the available CD channels. Users first looking to ground their planning and thinking in the context of overall ITN policies and strategies will find this section particularly useful.
  • Choosing CD Channels is a step-by-step guide to selecting the most appropriate CD channels for a given setting—the selection of channels will be documented in the CD section of the national ITN strategy. Tools and templates are provided at relevant points.
  • CD Step-by-Step Implementation is a step-by-step guide to the process of planning and implementing a specific CD channel. Tools and templates to support planning and management are provided at relevant points.
  • Country Examples presents ITN strategies and implementation plans developed by country partners as well as country examples of how CD channels have been implemented.
  • Resources include all the documents, tools, and templates linked throughout this website, cataloged in one place for download.

This post is also available in Français (French)

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Counseling for Effective Use of Family Planning [Curriculum]

This counseling curriculum was developed to help recognize counseling as a skill and allocate sufficient classroom time for practicing skills and receiving feedback by addressing the needs of return clients in addition to new clients and by bringing the client perspective into training to trigger client-centered thinking and counseling.

This counseling training curriculum aims to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of trainees in assessing and addressing clients’ FP needs through individualized counseling. Because counseling is recognized as a skill to be mastered, this curriculum puts emphasis on building counseling skills through practice and feedback. The curriculum specifically emphasizes the individual client’s circumstances and broader reproductive health (RH) needs and the importance of considering these factors when helping clients select an appropriate FP method.

The approach to FP counseling training, the content, and the training methods and tools presented in this curriculum are designed to overcome some of the traditional shortcomings of FP counseling.

Sections cover: getting to know the clients, building communication and counseling skills, and provides role play and other training modules.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Counseling Your Teen Clients About LARCs

Produced by the California Family Health Council, this video provides training for service providers on how to counsel teens about long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).

This video demonstrates how incorporating youth development principles when counseling teens about LARCs can enhance teen knowledge, perception, and use of LARCs.

Topics discussed include conveying to teens the links between using LARCs, delaying pregnancy, and achieving goals; informing teens about intrauterine contraceptives (IUCs) and contraceptive implants; and integrating dialogue on sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention in teen LARC counseling.

Source: California Family Health Council

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Elements of Family Planning Success Toolkit

This toolkit contains more than two dozen audio and video interviews with family planning experts, up-to-date background and reference materials, job aids and other tools, PowerPoint presentations, books, manuals, briefs, case studies, fact sheets, newsletters, pamphlets, posters, project reports, reviews, and teaching and training materials. Resources listed are from more than 80 organizations.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, FHI 360, ICF International, WellShare International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019