Marriage and Family Health

The “Know Yourself” Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Communication Program was developed in order to promote awareness and address adolescent issues and problems. The purpose of the materials is to disseminate information, create motivation and teach life skills to deal with adolescent issues and to foster an enabling environment that promotes knowledge and service-seeking.

Four Q & A booklets were developed based on questions from adolescents.

The health topics covered are: puberty, sexual attraction, HIV/AIDS and STIs, and preparation for marriage.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

mCenas! The Power of a Story

From September 2013 to June 2014, with support from USAID, Pathfinder implemented the mCenas! project (“Mobile Scenes” in English)—an interactive two way SMS system in Mozambique, accessible at no cost to clients. The goal of mCenas! was to reduce the barriers youth face in starting or continuing to use contraception by increasing their knowledge of and dispelling common myths about contraceptive methods. mCenas! engaged young people (aged 15-24) with an SMS-based role model story, in which characters were shown overcoming common barriers to contraceptive use faced by youth.

For more information on sexual and reproductive health, youth could also access a menu-based message system on their phone and were prompted to call a Ministry of Health- supported hotline, where live operators were poised to answer their questions.

Source: Pathfinder

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Message to Business Leaders on VMMC [Pamphlet, Kenya]

This leaflet is part of the VMMC Communication Toolkit which was developed to create and sustain demand for Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC) and reinforce that, while VMMC reduces risk for men, it does not prevent HIV and must be combined with other prevention behaviors to be effective.

The toolkit consists of communication materials, posters and pamphlets, a video, tools, a video discussion guide, a guide to working with the media, and a guide for adapting materials. The Toolkit targets affected audiences in Kenya’s Nyanza province and includes a communication guide that builds upon the national VMMC strategy.

This leaflet is aimed at business leaders, to answer their questions about VMMC, such as how it works, whether it is safe, what to do if an employee wants time off to have the procedure, and what else they can do to protect their employees from HIV.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Methodes de Contraception Flipbook

This flipbook was developed as part of a wider program to use advanced audience segmentation (AAS) techniques in order to properly direct family planning (FP) messages to specific audiences.

Through surveys and research, the project team learned more about the contraceptive needs of specific groups of men and women. Once that information was available, stakeholders wanted to see how it could be used to improve family planning counseling sessions.

In 2014-2015, the Hewlett Foundation, Nigerien Ministry of Health, and Camber Collective came together with Pathfinder International’s Animas Sutura project to use the Nigerien AAS results to develop and pilot a series of rapid assessment tools for community health workers who conduct household visits in health centers in Maradi and Tillabéri, Niger. This flipbook, a questionnaire, and counseling cards were part of this toolkit.

The flipbook reviews modern contraceptive methods to assist the health worker in explaining the methods, using illustrations and text.

Source: Pathfinder International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Mosquito Bite Preventioin

This poster describes the various types of mosquitos and the viruses they cause, and protecting oneself from mosquito bites,

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

My Net Care Plan

A tool to develop a plan to care for a long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN), including a list of care steps and a checklist of the various steps.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Nilocon- A Low-Dose Oral Female Contraceptive Pill

Nilocon was launched as a low-dose oral female contraceptive pill in 1983, and was subsequently re-launched as Nilocon White in 1997. It is available in nearly all pharmacies and has been marketed as a premium brand.

Combined pills contain two synthetic hormones – estrogen and progesterone, and are available in low-dose formulas. The two brands of low-dose combined pills available in Nepal are marketed by Nepal CRS Company under the brand names Sunaulo Gulaf and Nilocon White.

Source: Nepal CRS Company

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

No-Scalpel Vasectomy Materials for India

On this page are several materials about No Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) created by the RESPOND project for Hindi audiences (also translated into English):

  • NSV Brochure describes the no-scalpel vasectomy procedure, how it works, potential side effects, and where it can be obtained.
  • NSV Poster shows a young couple with a child and provides basic information about no-scalpel vasectomy.
  • NSV Radio Spot #1 in which a couple talk about NSV, while a song concerning NSV is sung in the background.
  • NSV Radio Spot #2 in which a couple talk about the benefits for their family of having stopped childbearing through no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV), while a song about NSV is sung in the background.
  • NSV Radio Spot #3 in which two women and one woman’s spouse discuss the safety of no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV), while a song about NSV is sung in the background.
  • NSV Radio Spot #4 in which two men provide basic information on no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV), while a song about NSV is sung in the background.


Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

NURHI Family Planning Method Leaflet

Social mobilizers use this leaflet to graphically present available family planning/child spacing options to couples and women in NURHI cities. The leaflet provides the same images and information as the family planning posters hanging in Family Planning Provider Network (FPPN) sites.

In 2012 a midterm evaluation (Measurement, Learning & Evaluation of the Urban Health Initiative: Nigeria 2012 Midterm Survey) showed considerable improvements in Family Planning knowledge and behavior across the four Nigerian cities. The evaluation showed increases in the knowledge of family planning methods from baseline to midterm across all cities for both men and women. More than 98 percent of men and women have correct knowledge (spontaneous or probed) of at least one family planning method at midterm. The largest increases were observed in Kaduna — a 23 percentage-point increase for women and a 19 percentage-point increase for men.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Pata Tohara (“Get Circumcised!”) Pamphlets

In 2011, the Tanzania Communication and Capacity Project, TCCP), along with JHPIEGO, designed a campaign to increase the rate of voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC).

The project aimed at sharing the following messages about VMMC:

  • Relative advantage – why it is better than not beingvcircumcised
  • Compatibility – how VMMC fits with the lifestyles of each target audience, and is appropriate for both younger and older men
  • Complexity – that VMMC is easy and safe

TCCP developed a new “age-aware” communication strategy that divided the primary target audience into two groups: one for boys and young men aged 10-19 years, and another for men age 20-34.

The chosen creative concept focused on a call to action – Pata Tohara (“Get Circumcised”), and highlighted the key benefits found to be most appealing to target audience members: circumcision provides protection and enhances


The attached pamphlets were produced as part of the campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019