Voices from the Community

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Voices from the Community is a collection of stories of individuals and families whose lives have been affected by Suaahara.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

3 Ways to Engage the Private Sector against TB

TB is second only to HIV as a killer infectious disease, with more than 10 million new infections in 2015 and an estimated 1.8 million deaths mostly in low- and middle-income countries.In many countries, the private sector represents a major and growing source of services for suspected and active cases of TB. This often presents a challenge for national health systems that are ill-equipped to ensure that private providers provide safe and effective care.

In India, which is home to more people ill with tuberculosis and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) than any other country, PSI’s Project Axshya is improving case detection and management of drug susceptible TB through the private sector, where studies show most people first seek care. The project works with private providers in three important ways.

  • Engaging with mid-level providers
  • Building capacity of qualified private healthcare providers
  • Leveraging information technology to bridge the gap

Source: Population Services International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Tunakuthamini (We value you) HIV Care and Treatment Campaign Overview

This 4-page overview provides information on the strategic design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of Tanzania’s Tunuakuthamini (We value you) national HIV care and treatment campaign.

Developed by the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP) under the leadership of the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and the Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS), Tunakuthamini targeted supporters of people living with HIV (PLHIV) as the primary audience, with PLHIV as the secondary audience.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Tanzania School Net Program

This brief describes the Tanzania School Net Program which involved distribution of treated nets to both children ages 6-14 years and heads of household as primary audiences, empowering these audiences to take action while clearly conveying the benefits of getting everyone covered – including neighbors – by drawing on popular “sharing” beliefs that exist in Tanzania. The school net program (SNP) also targeted primary school teachers, TCCP Community Change Agents, Ward Educational Coordinators, and other stakeholders, including local government authority (LGA) officials, heads of schools, ward and village officials.

The effort included community outreach, radio spots, district-wide events, and school activities.

Through the Patapata radio program, children were inspired to talk to their parents, friends, and communities about malaria prevention behaviors such as sleeping under a net every night, proper net use, net care and repair, and net sharing. Anecdotal feedback from Community Change Agents indicated that children enjoyed the program, and that parents reported increased interpersonal communication with their children about the importance of sleeping under the nets they were given at school.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Success Stories of Satisfied Family Planning Users , Nepal

The Family Planning Services Strengthening Program ( FPSSP) is a project under USAID’s cooperative agreement with the Inernational Planned Parenthood Federation ( IPPF) for implementationof the Support for International Family Plannning Organizations ( SIFPO-2) : Sustainable Networks Project. The Family Planning Association of Nepal ( FPAN), an IPPF Member Association ( MA), serves as the Sustainable Network’s local implementing partner.

The overall objective of FPSSP is to strengthen the family planning service delivery system of the Family Health Division ( FHD)/Department of Health Services ( DoHS)/Ministry of Health ( MoH). It aims to increase voluntary use of family planning services by increasing accessibility and availability of quality comprehensive family planning services to the hard to reach, disadvantaged,migrants, and adolescent population to acheive universal coverage in the districts and increase access to voluntary family planning information, education and services.

These three success stories tell of real people who took advantage of the FP services and the happy results of their experience.

Source: Family Planning Association of Nepal

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Suaahara SBCC Materials Case Studies

These are case studies from the Suaahara Nepal activities promoting hygiene, family planning, and nutrition. The studies are divided by geographical areas in Nepal.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HIV Self-Test Kits in Barber Shops: Cote d’Ivoire

This case study describes a pilot project in Cote d’Ivoire which promotes HIV self-testing via barbershops. Preliminary human-centered-based research resulted in a finding that barbershops were a key gathering point for men in Côte D’Ivoire. The HIV self testing promotions were also communicated via religious leaders and social media.

The aim was to convince men to undertake an online self-assessment tool that helps to determine their level of risk for contracting HIV. Those who are assessed as high risk were offered a self-testing kit. The kit can be accessed in a variety of ways, through a local pharmacy or health center or delivered by a peer navigator who can answer any questions and walk them though the process.

Deployed by local NGOs, peer navigators were trained to provide psychological and social support before, during and after HIV testing and the initiation of treatment. There were also tools to support men through the process of taking the test, including written instructions, online videos, and access to an HIV hotline, where workers were trained in how to take a self-test, interpret the results and support men who receive a positive result into beginning treatment.

Source: ThinkPlace

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Sex Work Is Real Work: HCD in Kenya

This case study covers a project in Kenya to understand the latent motivators, decision-making pathways, and behavioral norms that can be optimized for HIV prevention among female sex workers (FSWs).

To gain these insights, the team designed a research strategy not only at the individual level (using aspirational messaging to encourage adoption and retention) but also designing at the broader peer group and community level (stimulating long-term social norm change). Human-centered design is predominantly a qualitative process, which seeks emotional understanding of the users for whom it is creating value and drives an action-oriented, creative process from this strong emotive foundation.

The team engaged FSWs very early in the process, and even trained some of them to conduct research in an environment that was familiar to them and their peers. Complementarily, behavioral economics supported a more data-driven approach to understanding the psychology behind human attitudes.

In the process, the researchers gained qualitative insights by exploring the contexts in which FSWs expose themselves to risk and make decisions. This research phase informed the creation of a quantitative tool used for segmenting the target population into clusters based on self-reported sexual behaviors, decision factors and objective-subjective risk levels. Following which, they defined the identified personas in the quantitative data to make population level inferences and provide clues on ideal intervention strategies.

Source: ThinkPlace Kenya

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

SBC Innovations in Family Planning

USAID’s Transform/PHARE project generates innovative and evidence-based social and behavior change (SBC) strategies addressing the barriers to modern contraceptive use, transforming attitudes about reproductive health, and promoting family planning in West Africa.

This infographic illustrates results and impact of programs in Cote d’Ivoire, Niger, Benin, and Burkina Faso.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019