Hang Your Net: Use the Net Every Night Anywhere You Sleep [Poster]

Poster showing images of someone hanging a long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) over a bed, outside, on a bed and on a mattress. The message says that LLINs should be used always, everywhere you sleep.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Having a Healthy Pregnancy? Find Out!

This poster is used as part of the Mothers Alive campaign to reinforce messages given through other channels. The poster promotes antenatal care in order to achieve a healthy pregnancy explicitly directing women to go for antenatal care as soon as they know they are pregnant, and at least 4 times during the pregnancy.

Source: Chemonics

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Health Facility Posters – Family Planning

These posters, produced as part of the family planning organization NURHI in Nigeria, serve a dual purpose. They serve as job aids for service providers and as reminder materials for clients. They reinforce the ‘Know’ – what FP is, ‘Talk’ – about FP with your partner and ‘Go’ – to the nearest health facility to access the FP method that suits you.

The posters were printed in English, Hausa, and Igbo

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Help Control Mosquitoes that Spread Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika Viruses

A poster aimed at homeowners and community members, listing what they can do to control the mosquitoes that cause deadly diseases.

The advice listed includes:

  • Eliminate standing water in and around your home
  • What to do if you have a septic tank
  • Keep mosquitoes out of your home
  • Prevent mosquito bites

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HIV Testing and Counseling Day Posters

These posters are promotional materials for World AIDS Day (WAD) and HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) Day in Ethiopia, which target the Ethiopian National Defense Force community, among others.

Source: Ethiopian National Defense Force

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Hoje sou um homem mais limpo, saudavel, e atraente [Today I am a Clearner, Healthier, and More Attractive Man]

This poster was developed as part of the Mozambique Medical Circumcision campaign. It shows a handsome young man who seems happy and says that he is healthier and happier because he underwent a medical circumcision. The poster is meant to express the benefits of medical circumcision to those men who are considering the procedure.

Source: Mozambique Ministry of Health

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Be Reasonably Sure a Client is Not Pregnant

The checklist is based on criteria endorsed by the WHO to determine with reasonable certainty that a woman is not pregnant. Evaluation of the checklist in family planning clinics has demonstrated that the tool is very effective in correctly identifying women who are not pregnant. Furthermore, recent studies in Guatemala, Mali, and Senegal have shown that use of these checklists by family planning providers significantly reduced the proportion of clients being turned away due to menstrual status, and improved women’s access to contraceptive services.

Although the original checklist was developed for use by family planning providers, it can be used by other health care providers who need to determine whether a client is pregnant

Source: FHI360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Breastfeed Poster

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Suaahara was implemented by a consortium of partner organizations led by Save the Children.

The SBCC strategy established an internal quality materials review and production system to ensure that all partners in the consortium had mutually reinforcing, quality materials developed, pretested, produced and disseminated to the end user.

The poster emphasize most of the mothers thinking that breast milk is not sufficient to her child. To create environment for mothers to breastfeed exclusively for six months by providing correct information, Suaahara developed this poster and massively disseminated in all the health service centers, local NGOs, district offices and public places.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HTSP 4 Key Messages

This is a generic type poster that can be used to explain four key messages of HTSP: too young, too old, too close, too soon.

Source: World Vision International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

I Am a Responsible Man. I Repair My Torn Mosquito Nets to Make Them Last and Protect my Family from Malaria

This is one of a set of posters from the NetCare project in Nigeria promoting behaviors to increase the lifespan of malaria nets through careful handling and repair. The poster shows a father identifying and fixing a hole in a mosquito net.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019