Diagnostico Sobre Agua Para Beber [Drinking Water Assessment Card]

This card is part of a set produced by projects in Peru and Nicaragua aimed at reducing diarrheal disease incidence, even in communities with adequate latrines and piped water.

In Peru, the project produced assessment cards, counseling cards, posters, other reminder materials, a counseling guide, photo ID cards for the promoters, leaflets, and various forms. The Peru project also developed audio dramas that were played and discussed in groups or which individuals could listen to on hand washing, latrine use, safe water, and hygiene. In addition to these communication activities, after learning about families’ difficult access to essential water and sanitation products, both the Peru and Nicaragua projects worked with communities to organize a “community store” that sold products conveniently and at low cost.

Evaluation results after one year of behavior change activities with families in Peru included a significant decline in reports of diarrhea among children under five. Safe water handling increased from 36% to 84%, and many other practices had steep improvements. The approach followed in these projects was captured in the publication of Improving Health Through Behavior Change: A Process Guide on Hygiene Promotion.

Source: The Manoff Group, Inc., EHPII/PanAmerican Health Organization

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Doing It HIV Testing Campaign

Doing It is a new US-based national HIV testing and prevention campaign designed to motivate all adults to get tested for HIV and know their status.

As part of the Act Against AIDS initiative, Doing It delivers the message that HIV testing should be a part of everyone’s regular health routine to keep ourselves and our community healthy.

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

e-CON – An Emergency Contraceptive Pill

e-CON, launched in 2009, is an emergency contraceptive pill designed to prevent accidental pregnancies. When taken within 120 hours of unprotected sex, it is effective in preventing pregnancy. The two pills provided (each containing Levonorgestrel B.P. 0.75 mg) may be consumed at once, or the second pill may be taken at an interval of 12 hours.

Statutory Warning:

  • e-CON does not prevent HIV/STIs. Condoms such as Dhaal and Panther must be used to prevent HIV/STIs.
  • e-CON is an emergency contraceptive pill. It is not recommended for regular use.

Source: Nepal CRS Company

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

#EndAdolescentAIDS Fact Sheets

Fact sheets on adolescent HIV trends, distribution of adolescent AIDS-related deaths, HIV treatment for adolescents, and adolescent knowledge, testing and behaviour related to HIV are available for the following countries:

  • Zambia
  • Swaziland
  • South Africa
  • Malawi
  • Lesotho
  • Zimbabwe

Source: SafAIDS

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Essential Malaria Action Guide for Kenyan Families

This guide outlines seven essential malaria actions (EMAs) that fall into four categories:

  • Use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs)
  • Malaria case management
  • Indoor residual spraying and
  • Malaria prevention during pregnancy

The guide provides health managers, health workers, NGO partners, and others working in malaria control and prevention in Kenya with a common set of strategies, a key set of messages for households, and the basis for all social and behavior change communication (SBCC) activities and interventions in this area.

Source: Kenya Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, FHI360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Experience Change with Happy Dampatti

A sample of SBCC branding, this brochure explains the “Happy Dampatti” initiative aimed at allowing couples to serve as positive role models in their communities. It was part of the Urban Health Initiative project in India, and is a community-based activation model. The goal of the model is to empower couples and seed community networks with change agents, creating a strong positive social environment for sustainable change.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Facts About Malaria: A Real Threat to the Health of Zambians

This brochure is part of the multi-level STOP Malaria campaign in Zambia.

The brochure covers signs and symptoms of malaria, treatment, and prevention of malaria. The brochure contains the tagline, “STOP Malaria. Let’s do it Zambia!”

Source: Chemonics

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Family Planning Contraceptive Method Leaflet

The Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP-I) was a six-year (2002-2007) bilateral activity of United States Agency for International Development, Nepal (USAID/N) with the Government of Nepal. Its overall goal was to support the Government’s long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-five mortality within the context of the National Health Policy and Second Long-Term Health Plan 1997-2017.

With a view to promoting informed family planning choice and the use of IUCD and Norplant as long-acting methods, three types of illustrative leaflets were designed, produced and distributed to all health facilities in the 17 districts for use with potential clients. The materials were also expected to be used extensively in IUD/Norplant expansion sites throughout the country.

There are three leaflets developed for use as job aids by community health workers and to be taken home by the couples who visit to the health facilities.

  • All FP contraceptive methods – Condoms, Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills, 3-month injectable (Depo), Norplant and IUCD
  • IUCD
  • Norplant

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Family Planning for Women and Couples following Fistula Repair

This booklet provides clients with information about family planning methods for couples following a woman’s fistula repair. The booklet provides a list of questions to be answered by the client in making her decision about which FP method to use, depending on whether she wishes to become pregnant again:

  • Do you need to delay pregnancy during the first 9–12 months following fistula repair, but want to have a baby shortly after that period?
  • How much time do you want to allow between this first baby and the next?
  • Do you want to stop having babies completely?
  • Are you unsure whether you are finished having babies but know you do not want to get pregnant in the next three or more years?

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Fathers Contribute to Healthy Families – Pamphlet

This handbill/pamphlet developed in Nigeria provides information on how men can participate in their family’s health and support their wives/partners.

It outlines how they can help during:

  • Pre-pregnancy
  • Pregnancy
  • Labor and delivery
  • Postnatal care
  • Infancy and childhood

This resource has a corresponding set of posters and job aid.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019