COVID-19 Infographics, Indonesia

These infographics are intended for the general public, and explain various aspects about dealing with COVID-19. Click on an image to see it larger.

Bijak Pakai Masker/Masker

An Infographic about the importance of wearing mask as one of the three key behaviors in COVID-19 prevention

Sumber Infomasi – Media Social (source of infomation – social media)

An infographic about trusted sources of information related with COVID-19 on social media. These accounts belongs to the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment Ministry of Health (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and website)

Jaga Jarak/Phyisical distancing

An infographic about the importance of physical distancing as one of three key behaviors in COVID-19 prevention, including the examples of some activities that we usually did before the pandemic such as gathering, that is now forbidden/not recommended.

Cara Batuk & Bersin/coughing

An infographic on how to cough and sneeze properly in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

An infographic about IVR service related with COVID-19. The menu consists of what is COVID-19, the spread and symptoms, and prevention. The IVR menu is updated regularly based on the latest update provided by the Ministry of Health.

Jika harus ke dokter/Faskes (visiting health service)

An infographic about new health protocols related with COVID-19 when we visit health services

Jika keluar rumah (if we have to go out)

An infographic about health protocols related with COVID-19 (wearing mask, maintaining physical distancing, and have the handsanitizer ready) when we are out in the public.

Sumber Infomasi – Website – source of infomation – website

An infographic about source of information – website. These websites are managed by the COVID-19 National Task Force.

Cara Buat Masker Sendiri (how to make your own cloth mask)

An infographic about how to make your own cloth mask

Ibadah dari rumah (praying from home)

An infographic about praying from home since most of the religious sites are closed due to COVID-19 especially related with maintaining physical distancing.

Peran Nyata Tokoh Masyarakat (roles of community leaders)

An infographic about the roles of community leaders in COVID-19 pandemic such as providing valid information to counter hoax, misinformation, and stigma

Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (handwashing)

An infographic about handwashing with soap as one of the three key behaviors in COVID-19 prevention, which also includes the steps in doing proper handwashing with soap.

Isolasi mandiri (self-isolation)

An infographic about self-isolation; what do we need and can do during the 14 days of isolation.

Jika sakit jangan panik (what to do when we are sick)

An infographic about not panicking when we have similiar symptoms with COVID-19.

Orang Tanpa Gejala/asymptomatic person

An infographic about asymptomatic person, including the definition and what to do if you fall into this category

Orang Dalam Pemantauan/Suspect

An infographic about people who are suspected to get COVID-19 and what to do when you fall into this category

Pasien Dalam Pemantauan/Confirmed case

An infographic about people who are confirmed to have COVID-19 and the general symptoms of COVID-19

Apa yang bisa dilakukan saat PSBB/Large Scale Social Restriction

An infographic on what can we do during the large-scale social restriction including practicing the three key behaviors for COVID-19 prevention

Apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan saat PSBB/Large Scale Social Restriction

An infographic about activities that are not recommended during the Large-Scale Social Restrictions including gathering, praying in religious sites, education in school, etc.

Nutrisi Puasa/Nutrition during fasting month

An infographic about maintaining good nutrition intake during fasting month in order to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Silaturahmi dengan Teknologi

An infographic about the use of technology to meet families and friends (virtual meeting) especially during the fasting month and Eid holiday.

Tidak Mudik

An infographic about not visiting families in the village especially during the fasting and Eid Holiday. Visiting families in the village during fasting month and Eid holiday is considered as a yearly tradition for Indonesian people especially for the moslem.

Sholat Tarawih dan Sholat Ied

An infographic about not conducting sholat tarawih (special prayer during fasting month) and sholat Ied (special prayer on Eid day) in public. It is recommended to do both prayer at home with limited number of people.

Ramadhan di rumah saja

An infographic about staying at home during fasting month. In Indonesia, it is tradition to get together for breaking the fasting each day. However, during the COVID-19 it is recommended not to do this kind of tradition, instead, it is better to break the fasting at home with family.

This campaign includes radio spots, video spots, infographics, and a Question and Answer booklet.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 24, 2020

COVID-19 Radio Spots, Indonesia

These radio spots are intended for the general public, and explain various aspects about dealing with COVID-19.

Radio Spots

  • Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru – Puskesmas – emphasizes the need to adapt to new habits in light of COVID-19 in Puskesmas, which is a community health facility.
  • Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru – 3 Perilaku Kunci – promotes three key behaviors for COVID-19 prevention (handwashing with soap, wearing mask, and physical distancing)
  • Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru – Peran warga desa – targeted the general public on community members’ involvement to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  • Jaga Jarak/Physical distancing – A radio spot about physical distancing that targeted the general public
  • Tunda Mudik – A radio spot about the recommendation of not visiting families in the village during the Eid holiday. In Indonesia, it is a tradition to visit families in the village (grandparents and relatives) during the Eid holiday and celebrate the Eid together.
  • Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun/Handwashing – A radio spot about the importance of handwashing with soap and steps in doing handwashing in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  • Cara Batuk Bersin/Coughing – A radio spot targeted the general public that contains the information on how to cough and sneeze properly in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  • Masker/mask – A radio spot targeted the general public that contains the information on the importance of wearing mask in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Radio Ad-Lib Briefs

  • Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun/handwashing – A brief for radio ad-libs on handwashing with soap including the importance of handwashing with soap as one of three key behaviors in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and also the steps in washing hand with soap.
  • Jaga jarak/physical distancing – A brief for radio ad-libs on physical distancing including the importance of physical distancing as one of three key behaviors in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
  • Cara batuk & bersin/coughing – A brief for radio ad-libs on how to properly coughing and sneezing in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  • Tidak Mudik/phyisical distancing – A brief for radio ad-libs on not visiting families in the village during Eid holiday. This is also part of physical distancing behavior.
  • Stigma – A brief for radio ad-libs on stigma especially on the burial ceremony.
  • Masker/Mask – A brief for radio ad-libs on wearing mask as one of the three key behaviors in COVID-19 prevention. It also includes how to use mask properly.
  • Roles of Religious Leader – A brief for radio ad-libs targeted the religious leaders and their roles in COVID-19 prevention which includes providing valid information to counter hoax, misinfomation, and stigma since religious leaders are still considered as source of infomation for Indonesian.

This campaign includes radio spots, video spots, infographics, and a Question and Answer booklet.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 22, 2020

Confiance Totale PSAs

In 2020, Breakthrough ACTION created the Confiance Totale brand and logo to generate trust in and demand for FP methods and services among women of reproductive age in ILN catchment areas.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, WABA developed several Confiance Totale materials in collaboration with service delivery partner Amplify-FP and Ministries of Health. The campaign materials include IUD, injectable, oral contraceptive pill, implant, Standard Days, emergency contraception, and all-methods leaflets and two radio public service announcements (PSAs) in French and local languages that promote having confidence in the safety and efficacy of FP and in health centers and healthcare providers.

Anticipating limited FP service and method access during COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders, and subsequent potential complications tied to unplanned pregnancies and overcrowded and under-stocked health facilities, the WABA team pivoted its Confiance Totale mass media activities at the end of Q2 by drafting scripts for new radio spots. The new PSAs feature adapted calls to action, including:

  • Using this time at home together to discuss birth spacing with your partner
  • Continuing to use FP successfully without going to the health center by using call-in numbers
  • Ensuring you have FP method supplies while sheltering in place and/or during government restrictions on movement to avoid an unwanted pregnancy
  • Using exclusive breastfeeding to avoid unwanted pregnancy (for new moms)
  • Discussing postpartum family planning before going into labor
  • Using a mask and other COVID-19 risk reduction behaviors when going to the health center or pharmacy for FP methods
2French / Burkina Faso3French / Burkina Faso
French / Côte d’IvoireFrench / Côte d’Ivoire
French / NigerFrench / Niger
French / TogoFrench / Togo
Dioula / Burkina FasoDioula / Burkina Faso
Dioula / Côte d’IvoireDioula / Côte d’Ivoire
4French / Burkina Faso5French / Burkina Faso
French / Côte d’IvoireFrench / Côte d’Ivoire
French / NigerFrench / Niger
French / TogoFrench / Togo
Dioula / Burkina FasoDioula / Burkina Faso
Dioula / Côte d’IvoireDioula / Côte d’Ivoire
6French / Burkina Faso7French / Burkina Faso
French / Côte d’IvoireFrench / Côte d’Ivoire
French / NigerFrench / Niger
French / TogoFrench / Togo
Dioula / Burkina FasoDioula / Burkina Faso
Dioula / Côte d’IvoireDioula / Côte d’Ivoire
8French / Burkina Faso9French / Burkina Faso
French / Côte d’IvoireFrench / Côte d’Ivoire
French / NigerFrench / Niger
French / TogoFrench / Togo
Dioula / Burkina FasoDioula / Burkina Faso
Dioula / Côte d’IvoireDioula / Côte d’Ivoire
10French / Burkina Faso
French / Côte d’Ivoire
French / Niger
French / Togo
Dioula / Burkina Faso
Dioula / Côte d’Ivoire

These scripts were also produced, pretested, and finalized in nine languages (French, Ivoirien and Burkinabe Dioula, More, Ewe, Kabye, Baoule, Hausa, and Zerma)

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 28, 2020

Messages for Interactive Voice Response, Nigeria

Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria managers sent reminder messages to people who received referrals for health services (e.g., antenatal care, immunization, malaria testing).

A community volunteer issues referrals during a household visit or community event and asks the recipient if they are willing to opt in to the referral reminders and social and behavior change (SBC) messages. The person will then receive a recorded call asking if they have gone to the facility for their referral. The person responds by pressing a number on their telephone keypad. The person also receives recorded SBC messages on their phone. Users are always given the opportunity to opt out of receiving additional messages.

These are the finalized messages, which were pretested and revised, and the referral reminders.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Toolkit for Understanding Lockdown

This toolkit was developed in collaboration with the Department of Health to inform the public about the regulations for lockdown in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes PSAs, scripts for the PSAs, and a set of posters.

The materials in the toolkit include:

DablapMeds/CCMDD PSAs
Campaign Week 2 Radio Campaign Scripts in English
  1. Why lockdown, screening and testing, social distancing and regulations for COVID 19
  2. Lock down and house to house screening for COVID-19 symptoms
  3. Non- compliance of wearing mask , maintaining social distance and collection of medication at health facilities
  4. Patients with chronic conditions can access medication through CCMDD/ DablapMeds & Non – compliance of regulations

PSAs about Lockdown
Scripts about Lockdown
Scripts about Masks
Scripts – FAQs
Scripts about
Myths and Misinformation
Posters about Dablapmeds

This flyer and poster advertise a special medicine delivery service that delivers medicines closer to where people live so that they do not have to come to a pharmacy and can practice physical distancing.

The message states:

The best thing for your health is social distancing during COVID-19. If you are on CCMDD and still collecting at a facility, ask your nurse to register you to collect at an external pick-up point closer to you.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Centre for Communication Impact

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

COVID-19 Interactive Voice Response Audio and Scripts

Il s’agit de audio et de scripts sur COVID-19 traitant du lavage des mains, de l’utilisation de masques et de l’éloignement physique.
These are interactive voice response audio files and scripts about COVID-19 dealing with handwashing, the use of masks, and physical distancing.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 5, 2020

Cambodia Coronavirus IVR Game Script

This is a script created for an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) COVID-19 game as part of the COVID-19 campaign in Cambodia.

The IVR script contains questions put to the caller. The caller receives several options to respond to the question, by pressing numbers on the phone. If the caller answers incorrectly, a negative sound is heard and then the correct answer and more information is supplied. If the caller answers correctly, a positive sound is heard, and more information is supplied.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 17, 2020

Aiisseee! (I Say!) 30 Minute Game Show Questions Episodes 1-3

Aiisseee! (“I Say!”) is a television and radio-based game show designed to improve couple communication and promote couple connectedness by giving contestants and listeners the chance to discuss serious relationship issues in a humorous way. In these programs, couples answer questions to see how well they know their partners.

The programs are a project of the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP).

The show acts as a platform for conversations about HIV prevention, maternal and child health, and family planning, using a subtle yet provocative approach to create a comfortable forum for addressing hard-to-discuss issues in a non-confrontational way.

These are the questions which both members of the couples were asked during the game show, for the first three episodes.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019