Clean Hands Count Campaign

These materials were created by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote handwashing.

The campaign aims to:

  • Improve healthcare provider adherence to CDC hand hygiene recommendations
  • Address the myths and misperceptions about hand hygiene
  • Empower patients to play a role in their care by asking or reminding healthcare providers to clean their hands

Included in the campaign are videos, posters, factsheets and brochures. There are also infographics, a digital press kit, a press release, and web buttons.

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Club Risky Business – Behind the Scenes

This is a behind the scenes documentary of the making of Club Risky Business, the centerpiece of the OneLove Kwasila! Campaign in Zambia (2009)

Source: Johns Hopkins University

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Communication for Healthy Living: Egypt – Legacy Video

This video provides an overview of the Communication for Healthy Living Project in Egypt. It covers each of the project’s campaigns, with testimony from members of communities speaking about how the program affected and improved their lives.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Counseling Your Teen Clients About LARCs

Produced by the California Family Health Council, this video provides training for service providers on how to counsel teens about long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).

This video demonstrates how incorporating youth development principles when counseling teens about LARCs can enhance teen knowledge, perception, and use of LARCs.

Topics discussed include conveying to teens the links between using LARCs, delaying pregnancy, and achieving goals; informing teens about intrauterine contraceptives (IUCs) and contraceptive implants; and integrating dialogue on sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention in teen LARC counseling.

Source: California Family Health Council

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Doing It HIV Testing Campaign

Doing It is a new US-based national HIV testing and prevention campaign designed to motivate all adults to get tested for HIV and know their status.

As part of the Act Against AIDS initiative, Doing It delivers the message that HIV testing should be a part of everyone’s regular health routine to keep ourselves and our community healthy.

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Domestic Violence in Liberia

The Half the Sky Movement cuts across platforms to ignite the change needed to put an end to the oppression of women and girls worldwide. It brings together video, websites, games, blogs and other educational tools to not only raise awareness of women’s issues, but to also provide concrete steps to fight these problems and empower women. This video is a candid discussion about domestic violence that includes the viewpoints of both men and women in Liberia. The video aims to make the viewer see that domestic violence is not a private ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ matter but a public health issue that needs to be discussed and ultimately stopped.

Source: Half the Sky Movement

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Educational Video on Kids’ Backpacks

This video follows a young mother and her daughter. The daughter is clearly carrying a heavy backpack, accompanying the mother on her shopping. When they get home, the mother realizes how heavy the child’s backpack is, and recalls her daughter complaining often about how hard it is to carry it around.

The video ends with a school teacher announcing that the students do not have to carry all of their books around every day – that they will be given lockers and will have much less to carry. The teacher apologizes to the students.

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care

This video walks the view through a hospital and offers “bubbles” of information over the heads of hsopital staff, family members and patients so that the medical professionals get a better idea of their fears, thoughts, and hopes. It was shown by the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic to a general meeting of staff in 2013.

The video ends with the question, “If you could feel what they feel,, hear what they hear, see what they see, would you treat them differently?”

Source: Cleveland Clinic

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Eni Bone (Evil Eye)

This video is part of the GoodLife project, which had as one of its slogans, “Let’s come together and drive malaria away for the GoodLife.” The “Aha ye de” (“It’s Good Here”) malaria campaign was designed to reposition the use of treated nets as a lifestyle decision, while at the same time preventing malaria, linking to the BCS’s overarching GoodLife campaign. The campaign seeks to increase risk perception by emphasizing the severity and threats of malaria. At the same time, the campaign empowers individuals to use malaria prevention and appropriate treatment.

The video portrays a young pregnant woman whose mother is skeptical that the woman’s earlier pregnancies ended in miscarriage due to malaria. The young woman assures her mother that this time she is taking proper care of herself by taking her medications, sleeping under a treated net, and eating well during the pregnancy. The end of the video shows the new baby in the arms of the grandmother, and the new mother telling her auntie how well she took care of herself during pregnancy. She also mentions that she continues to sleep under a treated net with her baby. The video is available in English and Twi.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Family Planning: A Strong Investment for India

This four minute video is designed to encourage national and multinational businesses in India to invest in family planning through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

The video presents the positive and multi-dimensional impact of family planning interventions on the health and wellbeing of women and children, women’s empowerment, gender equality, economic prosperity, and reducing the impact on environmental resources—through the story of one girl, Gita, and her family. The video also discusses different ways corporations can include family planning in their CSR policies to contribute to India’s goal for the Family Planning 2020 partnership as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.

Source: Pathfinder International, Population Reference Bureau

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019