Malaria Provider Behavior Campaign Job Aid

These are counseling and point of care materials developed for health facility providers and Proprietary Patent Medicine Vendors (PPMV) on adherence to Rapid Diagnotic Test (RDT) for malaria results. These are focused on resolving common misconceptions and issues encountered by providers, with the goal of building their confidence in the tests and in their ability to manage logistical, interpersonal and technical issues. The materials are:

  1. Job Aid for Children with Fever
  2. RDT Reminder Danglers
  3. RDT Reminder Posters

They were distributed in Akwa Ibom, Kebbi & Benue among Health Facility Providers and PPMVs, and were distributed to about 210 health facilities and PPMV shops actoss the three states.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malawi – Moyo ndi Mpamba Campaign Marriage Counseling for Newlyweds Training Manual

The Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign produced these materials for newlyweds. SSDI-Communication worked with the Ministry of Health and faith leaders to develop a booklet for young married couples (the Takunyadirani [“We Celebrate You”] booklet) containing messages on priority health topics especially relevant to couples who are about to be married or who are newly married: maternal and child health, nutrition, family planning, malaria in pregnancy, and HIV & AIDS. The project also developed a training for religious marriage counselors, and conducted trainings in six districts.

Trained counselors reached out to young married couples through counseling sessions, small-group church meetings, door-to-door visits, marriage outreach sessions, mock weddings, and sermons. The Takunyadirani booklet served as a guide for counseling sessions. SSDI-Communication trained over 1,450 marriage counselors in six districts, and distributed 14,000 Takunyadirani booklets to as many newlywed couples, representing over 90% coverage of all marriages that occurred in the catchment areas of trained counselors; these couples also benefitted from counseling sessions.

Learn here about the newlywed booklet.

In the Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni campaign, the SSDI-Communication supported the Ministry of Health in realizing its ambitious health promotion agenda by developing and running a multimedia, multi-level Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign, from 2011-2016. The ultimate goal of this campaign was to promote positive health behaviors and create demand for available services across six focus health areas – HIV & AIDS; family planning; nutrition; maternal, neonatal and child health; malaria; and water, sanitation and hygiene – and with audiences across the socio-ecological landscape and all targeted life stages.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Manuel de Reference pour la Formation en Supervision [Reference Manual for Supervision Training]

This is a training manual in which supervisors can master knowledge, attitudes or skills by employing the following methods:

  • Active participation of the learner. This approach to training allows the participant to have a learning experience that he or she leads. This is accomplished with the help of a trainer who acts as a facilitator and a modification of the concept of evaluation and use of test results.
  • Supervision of the participant. This approach to training gives the model behaviors to learn, is competency-based and incorporates humanistic training techniques.
  • Within the framework of the learning to master approach, evaluation:
    • is competency-based, meaning it relates to the objectives of the workshop and emphasizes the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for performance at work and not just The acquisition of new knowledge.
    • dynamic, because it allows participants to receive continuous feedback on their success in achieving the objectives of the course.
    • less stressful, because from the outset participants, individually and collectively, know what they are supposed to learn; They also know where to find the information and they have enough time to discuss it with the trainer.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) Training / Facilitation Guide

Suaahara was a five year (2011-2016) project funded by USAID aimed to improve the nutritional status of women and children in 41 districts of Nepal. The project focused on improving health and nutrition behaviors at the household level through promotion of Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (EN/HA), particularly Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), and addressing other determinants of under-nutrition, such as availability of and access to food, hygiene, quality of health care, child spacing and socio-cultural factors including gender and marginalization.

Suaahara was implemented by a consortium of partner organizations led by Save the Children.

The SBCC strategy established an internal quality materials review and production system to ensure that all partners in the consortium had mutually reinforcing, quality materials developed, pretested, produced and disseminated to the end user.

Suaahara developed this 6-day training or Facilitator’s Guidebook on Behavior Change Communication (BCC) to improve Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition. It is also intended as a refresher and an aid in increasing the skill of female health community volunteers (FCHVs) through basic theory, micro level teaching and hands-on practice in a community-based Essential Nutrition and Hygiene Actions (ENA/EHA) Behaviour change Communication (BCC) approach. Inclued in the curriculum are sessions on nutrition, SBCC, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, sick child feeding, growht monitoring, nutrition during emergencies, and essential hygiene.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Men As Partners: A Program for Supplementing the Training of Life Skills Educators, 2nd Edition

This is a manual intended for use by Men As Partners (MAP) educators in facilitating workshops on male involvement in reproductive health. Contains a variety of interactive educational activities on such topics as gender and sexuality, male and female sexual health, HIV and AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections, relationships, and violence, as well as general resources for facilitators, including tips for improving facilitation skills and sample introductory and icebreaker activities.

It is intended for use in working with men to address gender norms that put men and their partners at risk for negative reproductive health outcomes. It is also designed to engage men in issues related to gender and reproductive health to prevent HIV infection and gender-based violence. The manual is aimed primarily at MAP master trainers, who train and supervise life skills educators who implement MAP activities with the public, and at MAP life skills educators themselves.

Though originally designed for use by MAP educators in South Africa, the manual and the activities have been used successfully by trainers around the world.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Mobilizing Muslim Religious Leaders for Reproductive Health and Family Planning at the Community Level: A Training Manual

This 5-day training curriculum (the length of training might change based on the final schedule) is designed to equip Muslim Religious Leaders (MRLs) with the necessary information and skills to better understand, accept, and support the provision of maternal and child health, reproductive health and family planning (MCH/RH/FP) information and services at the community level. This training manual presents concepts of MCH/RH/FP, youth, and gender as consistent with and supported by the teachings of Islam. The Manual is designed to engage participants in the learning process by including discussion sessions, case studies, role play, and demonstration and return demonstration.

Source: Extending Service Delivery (ESD) Project

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

A More Equal Future: Manual to Engage Fathers to Prevent Child Marriage in India

This manual was developed as part of a collaboration between World Vision and Promundo in response to harmful societal and cultural practices that support the continuation of child marriage in India.

It was developed as a response to strong societal and cultural resistance that supports the continuation of child marriage in communities where World Vision worksand is a concrete tool to engage men as fathers andallies in women’s and girls’empowerment. With a skilled facilitator, the tool allows the provision of asafe and constructive space for men to reflect on and redefine what it means to be men and fathers in their communities.

This tool is designed to provide a safe and constructive space for men, their partners and their daughters to critically reflect on the cultural and gender norms that perpetuate the devaluation of girls and serve as obstacles to men’s participation as involved fathers.

Source: Promundo

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Planting our Tree of Hope Facilitator’s Guide

This guide is part of the Planting Our Tree of Hope Toolkit – and designed to accompany the Planting our Tree of Hope Flipchart.

This is a set of practical and experiential learning activities designed to help people living with HIV, their partners and families address a range of HIV and AIDS related issues. These activities encourage members to adopt and maintain behaviors which support their own health as well as the health of their sexual partners, unborn babies and infants, families and wider community.

The Vision for the Toolkit is to empower people with HIV to live positively by providing them with role models who have faced and overcome similar challenges. The toolkit provides relevant information to support groups and promotes discussion around positive prevention, discordance, PMTCT issues, treatment, stigma and discrimination so that individuals and their families can take appropriate action to live positively and prevent HIV transmission.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

PrEP Training Materials

This is a manual for training service providers in preparation for counseling adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) about PrEP. It includes sessions on HIV self perceptions of risk and attitudes towards AGYW, and on stereotyping, stigma and discrimination self-awareness. There are also forms for course pre- and post-surveys and other resources for the service providers.

Source: LVCT Health

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Provider Training Video

A video used to stimulate discussion in trainings. It depicts the contrast between theory and practice of clinical diagnosis in a semi-urban Nigerian context. It shows the procedure for conducting RDT for malaria and how a provider can effectively use interpersonal communication to manage clients. Accompanied by a discussion guide.

These videos were shown in Benue, Akwa Ibom & Kebbi states and produced in English and Hausa. They were used to train 180 public health facility providers and 168 PPMVs.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019